
Saturday, April 11, 2020


I thought this morning that I would do a repeat of last week's marginally entertaining trip to the beach while the maid cleaned my room, but found upon driving to Sanur that they had closed the frickin beach. This seems a bit ironic, actually, as the beach was already nearly deserted, most of the restaurants closed, which made it kind of the safest place to be--not really breathing anyone else's air on the wide open sand.

Nonetheless, they had closed all the access roads, and so that was the end of that idea for the morning. Instead, I stopped at Planet Ban, the tire store, and bought new (and long overdue) tires for my motorbike. Of course, they put the tires on as well, and so this took a tidy amount of time, such that by the time I got back home, the maid had done and was just leaving. So it worked out okay. Other than costing me 700.000 more than a simple trip to the beach would have cost.

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