Hardly had I gotten out of bed this morning when the man with the new pump showed up at the house. Shocker! I was prepared to wait until noon without complaint. Showing up a half hour before the scheduled time was quite un-Indonesian of him. Not that I'm complaining. Without any trouble, he installed the new pump, fired it up, and ... nothing happened. Still no water. The next step was to check the reservoir on top of the roof (which is where the pump is supposed to send the water from the well). I watched in amazement as the man, who had brought no ladder, scaled the house like a ninja--first to the top of the wall, then to the eave, then to the roof. Amazing! I have a hard enough time just climbing onto my own motorbike. Well, it turned out that a second pump inside this reservoir tank was clogged, thus allowing no water to flow. This was fixed forthwith and my house is once again 'afloat'. How long will we be seaworthy? Who can say? I can commit only to enjoying it while it lasts.
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