My Life in Bali, Multiple Sclerosis, Literature, Politics, Travels, and Other Amusements
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Welcome the Stranger
I was parking my bike just now in what seemed to be the last open spot in the lot at Plaza Renon, and it was a very difficult spot to negotiate, angled in the opposite direction, motorbikes resting on either side. As I attempted various unsuccessful efforts to enter the spot, a young man came along, headed for his own bike somewhere in the lot, stopped on his way, and wordlessly volunteered his assistance. He lifted the back of the bike on my left, scooting it several inches away, and then, as I continued to struggle into the spot, lifted the back of my own bike and scooted it to the right, thus directing my ship in a straight line to port. The man never uttered a word. He just moved on when the job was done.
And here's the kicker: This is not an unusual kindness. It is a common thing here. And I think that, in general, this would not happen back home in America, for the first rule there is Thou shalt not interact with thy neighbor. The second is like it, thou shalt not invade thy neighbor's space, even if it is in need of invasion. Thy neighbor's problem is thy neighbor's own business. It is a gross generalization, yes; nonetheless, it is my impression based on 55 years of experience in my country of origin. Here in Indonesia a neighbor is a neighbor. There, a neighbor is a stranger.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, the scripture says, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Well, I'm no angel, but I surely am a stranger, and one sorely in need of parking assistance.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Raining again. Raining for the last 3 days. Nonetheless, I don my coat, and then the big raincoat on top of my coat, and head for the cafe. Cannot go without my coffee and pastry. Rain be damned. After a journey through rain, puddles, lakes, and crazed drivers, I am at my customary table with my coffee before me, and a cigarette. It is 28° centigrade and I feel cold. I look up 28c on Google and find that it is around 82f. And yet I am cold. What is happening here? Is the transplant finally complete? Am I Indonesian now? What did cold feel like? What did winter in Oregon feel like? I cannot get a hold on it. I cannot remember it. I remember some facts here and there. The coldest temperature I ever felt in Portland was minus five degrees Fahrenheit. I remember putting on two pairs of pants and a sweater and a heavy coat and a hat with earmuffs and gloves and going out into the snow for just minutes at a time. That's all one could stand. But I don't remember how it felt. I don't remember it in my bones, in my veins. I have it in my head, that's all. A collection of autobiographical events. I don't remember the "winter" here either from year to year. I am always surprised by the severity of the deadly heat. And then by the periods of torrential rain. I know only the present day now. Yesterday is vague, tomorrow is questionable.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Whatever Will Be Will Be
... many a family was divided against itself, some fighting for the North and some for the south, some fighting for communism and some for nationalism. Still, no matter how divided, all saw themselves as Patriots fighting for a country to which they belong.
So writes Viet Thanh Nguyen in The Sympathizer, a novel about the end of the Vietnam war. But it sounds like us, doesn't it? We are the Patriots. No, We are the Patriots. You are insurrectionists. No, the insurrectionists are Patriots! And in the course of time, it is all meaningless. Lost in the cold soup of history. Studied by the impassionate scholars of the future.
That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the Sun.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
A Dickens of a Message
There can be no better message to the modern day evangelical type, Trump loving churches than this from Mr. Charles Dickens:
"There are some upon this Earth of yours," returned the spirit, "who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name; who are as strange to us and all our kith and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us."
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
With the weather having been rainy all week, and having turned this evening to just a light sprinkle, and with a bit of a nip in the air (around 26 c, which is about 78 f), I decided to venture out for a holiday season walk to the nearby Alfamart, just past the gas station on the main thoroughfare close by.
Donning my unnecessary coat and hat for the sake of mood, I set off up my street, past the line of conspicuously less than gaily adorned houses, along the rows of humming air conditioning units, tuning up no doubt for a Christmas choir performance later that night and, turning the corner at the top of the street, came upon a lake where a road used to be.
This was no snow drift. This was not wintry ice. No this was a muddy brown lake that had conquered the entire road between a fence on one side and a gurgling irrigation ditch on the other.
What to do? Turn back? Never! I am not the sort of person who turns back. I always move forward. So I waded that murky winter marsh, not to be stopped by foul conditions. (I'll wash up later). Over the river and through the trees to the Alfamart we go! (I'll check for leeches when I get home).
From there on it was smooth sailing and I sloshed into the store with no further trouble.
I had come for a bag of caramel corn, a pack of cigarettes, and a fly trap if I could find one. You see, at this festive season of the year, the air here is filled not with flurries of snow but with flurries of small, exceedingly annoying flies. These flies do not behave in the relatively polite manner of regular flies. These tiny seasonal flies land on everything, buzz in your ears, fly into your eyes, try to crawl up your nose. And of course they love the dinner plates.
These flies are rather slow compared to other sorts of flies, and so they are swatted dead more easily. But what use is that if they happen to be sitting on your broccoli, or investigating your seafood pasta?
Unfortunately, I found no fly traps at the Alfamart. And this is the second store I've tried today. The things must be selling like Christmas lights these days.
The vast brown lake had not moved on my way back home, but on this crossing I came upon a man traveling toward me on his own way and we smiled cheerily and greeted one another merrily, amused at the chilling challenges of our separate sojourns.
God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay.
Monday, December 9, 2024
This Happens Every 6 Months.or so, Give or Take
I had been aware for a while that I would need to see the doctor soon, as my prescription medications, alprazolam and clobazam, were running low. These are for neuropathic pain and anxiety. It's just that seeing a doctor is low on my list of favorite things to do--somewhere in between eating raw garlic and jumping off a cliff.
When I finally got around to contacting the doctor for an appointment, I found to my surprise that the doctor would be gone for a year. I'm speaking of the doctor I have most commonly seen. So I called my backup at a different hospital, and made an appointment with him.
Aside from the need to refill two medications, I had a few complaints I wanted to discuss.
I started with the medications, got that done for the next 6 months or so, and then said "Doc, I'd like to discuss three problems I'm having. The first is that my entire body is painful."
I anticipated that he would laugh, or chuckle, or at least smile, but his face maintained the expression of a Sphinx.
So I laughed for him.
Seriously though, my shoulders hurt, my back hurts, my hips hurt, and my legs hurt.
"I'm thinking this might be arthritis," I suggested.
"Hmm, that may be so," he said.
I remembered then that this particular doctor was always receptive to my self diagnoses, which seems good in one way and not so good in another. Good in that it makes the whole doctor appointment thing simpler, not so good in that I really have no idea what I'm talking about. But there is always the hope that he will prescribe a magical medication that will return my state of health to that of a man 20 years or so younger.
As it turned out, he suggested that I take low dose ibuprofen, a suggestion which I could not help feel someone disappointed with. Really, ibuprofen? That's your prescription for full body pain?
Or could it be that full body pain is normal in a 71 year old man?
Hmm. I think I'm going to need more of those anxiety pills.
I must say though that the low dose ibuprofen has helped.
Other than that, he ordered some blood tests, which turned out okay, showing as usual borderline diabetes and some minor cholesterol problems. I'm already taking medication for the latter, atorvastatin and cardio aspirin, but I've been kind of a bad patient in that I have continued to eat sweet snacks such as cookies and cinnamon rolls and ice cream. My bad. So I am trying to exert some self control now. As long as it doesn't include quitting cigarettes.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Car Wreck
As with the last Trump administration, this one promises to be another car wreck, only a bigger more gruesome one this time around, a gigantic pile up. It's one of those things you want to turn away from, and yet you can't stop yourself from watching.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Sleeping Dems
After having been put through years of election denial by the Republicans, 60 court filings, multiple recounts and audits, I can't believe the Democrats are now doing nothing to contest this razor thin election. They should be putting the Republicans through what we were put through. Why is it that we are not threatening innocent election workers and ruining their lives. As long as we continue to avoid doing things on the terms of the enemy, we are merely cowardly and defeated. And what about all of these ballots having gone through the Musk satellites? That needs to be questioned endlessly and hashed out in court for years. We have nothing to lose. We have already lost. The country has lost.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
On the path at Karang beach this morning, walking back to my bike, I came upon three men using a long pole to drag berries from the high limbs of a tree. They stopped me on my way and asked if I would like to try the berries, some of which they had already collected in a plastic bag. They were purplish berries, about the size of small grapes, had a bit of a meaty quality in texture, and tasted sweet and sour at the same time. They told me the name, but I did not really get the pronunciation. Have another, they said, and I did. When I left, the three or them each wanted to shake my hand. How wonderful. Having earlier in the day skimmed through all the American hatred on Facebook, how sweet was this simple kindness and shared humanity.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Well this is getting downright biblical, isn't it? In a secular sort of way 😉
Judas, for 30 pieces of silver, betrayed the Lord. Trumpers have betrayed the nation for the price of an egg.
I read today, or rather brought to mind what I had read many times before, something Jesus said:
Either make the tree good and it's fruit good, or else make the tree bad and it's fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.
You can't have it both ways. The trumpers desire, by selfish motive and base self-interest, to be considered good despite their plain lack of compassion and concern for others.
Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.
In other words, you reap what you sow. Sadly, we must all reap what you have sown.
It's not nothing. It was not just another election with one fair choice or the other. It does not come down to the price of eggs. It comes down to the pride of our nation, our place in the world, our commitment to one another. A far, far higher price has been and will continue to be exacted by the irresponsible and thoughtless actions of those who voted to install a felon, a sexual predator, a compulsive liar, an insurrectionist in our country's highest office.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
The F Team
The one thing that can be said for Trump's cabinet picks is that at least they are hilarious and give us the benefit of a robust belly laugh, albeit a bitter one, rather after the fashion of the Joker. They are completely, supremely unqualified, having no experience whatsoever in the posts to which they are being assigned. A Russian sympathizer/agent for the Department of Intelligence? A vax denier for the Department of Health, a man with a "worm" in his brain? Matt Gaetz, for God's sake, as the head of the Department of Justice? Lol. Bend over, Republican voters. Thy king cometh.
Friday, November 15, 2024
All is not Well
I read an article this morning wherein the writer, whose name I have already forgotten, expressed her dissatisfaction with the illusion being painted by democratic politicians, including the president and the vice president, that this is a normal transfer of power from one administration to the next. We have been told endlessly that Trump is a fascist and should never hold the power of the presidency again, and yet they seem to have forgotten their own words. This is no normal transition. This is a transition from traditional democracy to outright autocracy. I suppose that some people are buying this hypocrisy, especially Trump voters who still do not see what is coming, but I certainly do not buy it. It seems that people who have put their reputations on the line and spoken out against Trump and his anti-democratic plans have done so in vain. This makes the situation all the more sad and depressing. Convictions so strongly expressed and then so blithely forgotten cannot, as it seems to me, have been true convictions in the first place. All is not well. This is no common transition. This is surrender. This is politics as usual in a time that demanded much, much more. We should have dished up what the Republicans served us for the last 4 years. Instead, many of our leaders of integrity have simply folded and curled up on the ground like beaten curs. I do not believe that America, as we have known it, will survive the next four years. We will carry with us, if we proceed as a country at all, an irremovable stain of cruelty and hatred as well as incompetency and irresponsibility globally. I mourn for the land of my birth.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Well, I was wrong. Very sadly wrong. It turns out that Americans prefer a criminal as their president. A felon, convicted on 34 counts, twice impeached, four times indicted, and a sexual predator to boot. It turns out that this is who we are.
After election day, I simply turned off the news. I will not watch it. I cannot bear to continually see and hear this man's name for the next 4 years. I cannot bear the constant reminder of America's moral turpitude. Instead, I will take a break from America and all things American and hope, albeit dimly and as absent-mindedly as possible, for some sort of miraculous redemption in the future.
I leave the subject for now with the words of George Conway, which express my own feelings rather succinctly:
"My own hope and belief about what would transpire last night was sadly and profoundly wrong—like many, I have the emotional and intellectual flaw, if that’s what it is, of assuming that people are wiser and more decent than they actually turn out to be. I feel chastened—distraught—about my apparently naive view of human nature."
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Every Monday here, which is Sunday back in the old country, I watch highlights on YouTube from all the NFL games, and I've gotten into the habit of predicting the winner in each game based on the performance of the teams through the season as well as just my own gut feeling about which team will prevail. And I've gotten pretty good at it, if I don't say so myself.
So I thought that I would expand the habit, just this once, to matters outside of football contests and offer my prediction for who will win the upcoming presidential election.
It is my belief that Kamala Harris will win rather handily; but I must add as well that this will not stop the Trump train on its time worn track of protest and perfidy. Despite a decisive loss, Trump will screech foul and fraud, and yes there will be trouble, the likes of which we must wait to see.
Eventually, in God's time, we will indeed turn the page on Trump and trumpism, but it is a heavy and ponderous page and must await the reading of the last foul word before being done.
Monday, October 21, 2024
I've been having a fairly rough time over the past couple weeks with a loud ringing/buzzing in my head. I provide the word choice because the word ringing (berdering) doesn't make sense to Indonesians, in that it brings to mind the ringing of a phone. Berdengung, which is translated to English as buzzing, strikes them as more suitable. In any case, day by day I have a worsening case of ringing/buzzing in my head which generally ends up giving me a splitting headache as well. I can sleep at night so far, but first thing in the morning the sound returns. Some years ago I had this same irritating problem. I went to a ENT doctor at that time and was told that there was nothing wrong with my ears. It must be a neurologic problem. Duh. So what does one do about that? So far, the only effective treatment, albeit a temporary one, has been to listen to very loud music through my earphones. I prefer either loud Eurhythmics or loud Evanescence. Last night the ringing was accompanied by this sensation of having an electrical storm in my brain. I don't know how else to describe it. I see on the internet that the phenomenon has been called brain zap. In this version of the problem, the consistent ringing is interrupted by sudden pulsations of sound. Very unpleasant. I read as well today that barometric pressure changes can bring on or worsen tinnitus, and we have certainly had extreme heat here recently accompanied by sudden clouds in the evening and night time. So is it neurologic or barometric or sinuses ... Who knows? Pregabalin is also supposed to help this problem, assuming that it is a neurologic problem, but I already take 150 mg of pregabalin in the morning and now have added 75 mg in the evening, and it ain't working. My girlfriend send a YouTube video about tinnitus this morning which instructs that one should place a tablespoon on the back of his head and then tap on the tablespoon with a second tablespoon in a rhythmic manner--and sure, I can try that at home, but I doubt whether it would be considered quite kosher in a restaurant or cafe, and I wouldn't want to have to carry along my own silverware wherever I go. So yeah, if anyone has any additional ideas about tinnitus, give me a ring or buzz me with a message.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Trying out an old new iPad, complements of my ex-wife who has bought a new new one for herself and handed this one down. This is proving to be a bit difficult, as I am not familiar with the peculiarities of the Apple system. It seems that I will need practice and familiarization. One thing I want to do is to buy one of those attachable keyboards so that I can type like a normal typist instead of pecking at the keypad with my two index fingers. Well this does seem more and more clunky the more I type. If you want to go to the middle of the document and add a missing word, for instance, the damn cursor keeps jumping back to the end of the document as you type. Quite irritating.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
You know, I saw President Biden give a speech today in Pennsylvania and he was perfectly sharp and comprehensive, not showing any signs at all of being cognitively impaired or confused. On the flip side, I saw a town hall (so-called) conducted by candidate Trump which after a few unanswered questions devolved into 39 minutes of swaying stiffly to random pieces of music while the nonplussed audience looked on. Now I ask you, which is the impaired individual in these two examples? Hint: it's a rhetorical question. What I really want to ask is this: what the hell is going on here? How have we gotten things so backward and upside down at the same time? While Trump stumbles through his lunatic, meaningless campaign events, Harris addresses her listeners at campaign events and multiple interviews with intelligence and thorough outlines of her actual plans for the country. No windmills, no bird cemeteries, no electrified sharks, no Hannibal Lecter. And yet the election at this point is statistically tied in the polls? How can it be? Is that the Twilight Zone music I hear playing in the background?
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Lizard People
Thursday, September 12, 2024
I must say that the presidential debate yesterday was the most satisfying television I have watched in a long while. To say that Harris cleaned Trump's clock is an understatement. The poor guy was drawn and quartered. And then hung out to dry. Trump looked old and incompetent, senile one might say. He was shrill, unhinged, downright nutty. Once he got to the part about immigrants eating family pets it was laughter the rest of the way for me. Of course the ever loyal Trumpers are declaring victory. He won hands down, they are saying. Well something was down, but it wasn't hands. It was him. Down and out. Soundly thrashed. Good show, Kamala.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Prophet Song
"What I see now, Eilish, is a black hole opening before us, we have passed the boundary of escape and even when the regime has been overturned the black hole will continue to grow so that it will consume this country for decades."
So writes Irish novelist Paul Lynch in his dystopian novel, Prophet Song; and so it is where the American situation is concerned. One election will not change anything, for the malignant poison of MAGA is now deep in the body of the nation and will afflict us for years to come.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Falling and Failing
I seem of late to have developed a particular talent for falling. I mean, I have long been at novice level, but I have advanced now in expertise in that I no longer require a very specific reason for falling. One fall was from a chair when I was trying to put a clock on the wall, and I really don't know how this happened. One minute I was standing on the chair and the next I was flat on my back on the floor. Yesterday merely rising from my chair at a cafe and beginning to walk away was sufficient to lay me out. And it's not just the act of falling that I've become so good at. It's more than that. It's the completeness of the falls. No twisting or rolling or gaining a knee or jumping up afterwards. No, this is more like a tree falling in the forest and then just lying there.
I note that Donald Trump has also developed an advanced expertise in falling. Not physically of course. Mentally. We have for instance those electric boats and sharks, and now we have bacon and windmills, as well as the disappearance of all the cows on earth. I guess he can say at least that no one fails in cognition better than he. Scientists, I suppose, have told him so. Or professors. Or maybe Putin mentioned it. In any case, good work, oh stable genius. And please do keep up the good work right up until you work yourself out of being the president again.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
A Brief Encounter
I ran into a very friendly fellow American this morning as I was coming out of the Daily Baguette Cafe. He came out as I was pausing to smoke a cigarette and struck up a conversation. He was from California, he told me, but came originally from Minnesota and has been here in Bali 3 years. I thought of saying Oh, Minnesota, the home of Tim Walz. I'm glad I didn't though, because he immediately started out on a rant about how terrible America is now. Even the food is fake, he said, and everyone is so woke. It's all you hear about. Woke culture. And he can't stand it anymore.
To be honest, I don't know what woke means. Yes I see it all the time on Facebook and so on, but I can't really put my finger on any specific meaning other than perhaps it has, among those who are opposed to it, something to do with a dislike of and an intpolerance for homosexuality and trans people and liberal ideas, and so on. Anyway, I sure didn't want to talk about it. I can understand if people don't like woke culture, whatever woke happens to mean to them, but I don't understand how it does any harm to them or how it seems a threat to the extent that they would have been driven out of the country altogether. Very strange. I've been away for a long time now, and I am reminded again that I'm better off for it.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Now I'm a Believer
Well, I have to admit that I have been positively surprised by the Harris campaign. As I mentioned here previously, I felt that Biden could have won the election fairly easily, but it appears now that Harris may win even more decisively than Biden would have, so it's all good. She is, after all, basically committed to carrying out Biden's vision for the future. And what we need ultimately in this election is a resounding victory in hopes of finally stamping out the poison that MAGA has injected into American politics--a resounding victory not only on the presidential level but on a congressional level as well so that we may secure a democratic House and Senate and actually get some things done in this country.
Of course there are still nearly 100 days left before the election and the Republicans are desperately searching for anything they can cling to. This, so far, turns out to be insults, racist and misogynistic slurs, fake outrage over fake issues, and the like. Frankly, I think most people are finally tired and turned off by crap like this. Yes, there are some who will doggedly cling to Trump's dark vision of grievance, paranoia and fear, but hopefully many more are seeing the light of optimism and joy that the Harris team is bringing to the Democratic ticket.
Saturday, August 3, 2024
The Smile
The young woman had come prepared. As she climbed onto her motorbike, I noted that there was something attached to her chest, and that what was attached to her chest was a baby. It was tucked into a sort of backpack arrangement, head and arms sticking out as if from the shell of a tortoise. It was a small baby, maybe 4 months old. I don't know, I've forgotten what 4 months is like, or 2 months, or 6 months. This was a girl, I think. Yes, I'm sure. Pretty sure. And she did that thing that all babies do. She engaged me with her eyes, staring at me as if I were the most strange and wonderful creature in the world. Blue eyes. Wisps of blonde hair like angel hair at Christmas time. And then she smiled, as babies do, and she raised her little hand and curled her fingers in and out. Hello. And then we also smile again, don't we. How can we help it? What else can we do? And in the next moment, the child is whisked away, bound for another and another world of whirling colors and wonderful new creatures. And a brief prayer passes from my soul to my tongue and I lift a finger and touch it to the dryness of my lips.
May God watch over this little one in the sea of trouble between here and home.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Skippy Dies
People will believe anything, if it's what they want to hear.
--Paul Murray, The Mark and the Void
I intended to write something earlier than now about a novel I had just recently finished reading, but then all of this election bullshit found its way into my head and interrupted me for a moment.
Although the quote above is from Paul Murray's novel The Mark and the Void, what I wanted to talk about was Skippy Dies.
I approached Skippy Dies in much the same way I had approached Murray's novel The Bee Sting, which is to say with a certain unreasonable prejudice. Well, what prejudice is reasonable? one might ask. In short, I did not like the title (which however--spoiler alert--turned out to be perfect). Nor did I feel interested in the brief description of the story found on the internet--the various goings-on at an Irish Catholic school for boys. It just didn't seem to be something that would touch me.
Nonetheless, having come away from The Bee Sting astounded at this writers narrative and stylistic excellence, I decided to give Skippy Dies a shot. And boy am I glad I did.
Like The Bee Sting, Skippy Dies is quite long, some 600 plus pages. But it is the kind of long that you don't want to end. You find yourself living there, in that school, and among those boys. More than that, you find yourself living back in your own adolescence, among all the very similar boys you knew, as well as the you that you knew. How Murray has managed to retain such an intimate acquaintance with what it is to be that age, I do not know. He has remembered here all of the things that most of us forget, and perhaps intentionally so. He remembers the careless disregard on the surface, the facade, and the naive, unreasoning, invulnerable hopes that lie beneath, striving toward the moment they are finally broken by that compromised, corrupted world of despair we call adulthood.
Skippy Dies is both laugh out loud funny and painfully bitter--which might be described as Murray's signature style. Forewarned is forearmed. This book will both fill your heart and break it.
No Country for Old Men
No Country for Old Men. That's the headline in America today. And it's one of the reasons I don't live there anymore.
One wonders what the Democrats will do now to further undercut their chances at winning the election. Fight over which new candidate they really want? Continue to distract the press from the base imbecile being run by the other party?
Look, I personally like Harris, but to be honest I don't believe she can attract independent and swing voters. She is way too liberal. I'm serious, folks. No joke. I mean, come on man 😅
Well, we still have prayer. And we better get on our knees straightaway.
Saturday, July 20, 2024
The Oath
I woke this morning to a reply to a comment I had made on a man's Facebook post. In the original post he wrote that no one had shown that the 2020 election was not stolen from Trump. I helpfully replied that 60 courts, overseen by judges from both parties, had rejected the Trump administration's claims of election fraud, and I attached a couple of factual informative links for him to peruse. To this the man immediately responded that this was a lie. There were not 60 courts. There were not any courts. This had merely been repeated so often that people took it to be true 😅
So that is typical of the tenor of political discourse nowadays. Believe what you like, reject what you don't like. Simple as that. It is not an isolated sort of response. It is common.
And it appears to me, folks, that it does not matter which candidate the Democratic party runs, for if he or she wins the election, the MAGA response will be simply to say that No they didn't. And it will be uglier then than January 6th. People think that we can beat MAGA simply by winning an election. We can't. It will only radicalize them further. It will only be the latest call to insurrection. Because MAGA is not fueled by policy. It is not fueled by patriotism or belief in democracy. It is fueled by plain hatred--of black people, of brown people, of Mexican people, of liberal people, of homosexual people, of trans people, of immigrants (excepting those from Norway). It is not a political response and has nothing to do with government, per se. It is a cultural response, a paranoid and fearful revulsion at the changing character of America. It is an all-consuming, non-negotiable oath to intolerance. "Christian" nationalism? Give me a break. It is heresy most foul.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Well I'll be damned if I've ever seen a party try so hard to lose a presidential election. Week after week the Democratic elites dither around about who they might want their candidate to be, rejecting the vote of the populace that has already approved Joe Biden. It is sad and, well, dare I say it...deplorable. I swear to God the whole thing is going to turn me into a conspiracy theorist. Is some kind of shady dark money behind a plot to throw the election? Anyway, if the Dems do lose, they will richly deserve it, for they have well and truly mobilized against themselves.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
The Great Malaise
What strikes me most today about the apparent assassination attempt on former President Trump is not so much the event itself but the nature of so many of the responses on social media, infused as they are with such soul numbing moral vacuity, such undisguised, unapologetic, hatred. I wish I could add the word inhuman, but I cannot, because it is all as human as hell. And it is not bound to one side or the other. It is universal. A great and stunning egalitarian commitment to hatred ignorance, proud negligence-- thousands upon thousands who in their sickly souls pull the trigger just as easily as did the assassin. And it strikes me, after all, that this upcoming election does not really matter. The infection is rampant in America and lives now of its own accord, to kill, steal and destroy. Nothing happens from this point forward that does not merely feed the disease and enlarge its lethality. A mentally ill person acted out. A morally ill society has responded.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
The Late Great National Freak Out
Naturally, I have been watching the ongoing self-inflicted insanity in the Democratic party and the liberal press as they go about undoing President Biden's election campaign. And what a sorry sight it is. Biden has been the most active, most productive president in the last 50 years, in my estimation, and this is the thanks he gets: calls from his own party members encouraging him to step down, to bend over, rollover, wimp out, or whatever it is they are doing and step aside for a different candidate. Like who? Kamala Harris, who is more generally disliked than Biden himself? Or maybe one of these senators calling for Biden to step down thinks that he himself is up to the job. That's a laugh. This is the least popular senate in the history of the country, with an approval rating nearly as low as that of the farce that we call the Supreme Court. And why are they so certain that Biden will lose? Polls, they say, polls. But hold on, didn't the polls say that Biden would lose in 2020? In fact, didn't they say that Clinton would win in 2016? And how about that red wave they predicted in 2022? It's just about like believing the sky is going to fall because Chicken Little said so, ain't it? He is 82 years old, they say. He will be 86 by the end of a second term they fret, employing their marvelous powers of mathematical figuring. What happens if he can't last that long? What happens then? Well, what would happen would be that his very able vice president would take over the job and continue the successful agenda that is already in place. Isn't that what a vice president is for? Ah, but on they go, day after day turning into week after week. More like weak, I say. Weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-willed. A bunch of pussies. Fearing what? Trump? I cannot believe, and will not believe that Americans will vote for a convicted felon, 34 times convicted, a fraud, a man found liable for sexual assault, and a man who is very obviously far more addled than Joe Biden will ever be. Electric airplanes that cannot fly because the sun is not out? Electric boats, sharks, the late great Hannibal Lecter? Come on now, folks. I know that Americans are not this stupid. Or God knows I hope they're not.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Biden's Bad Day
My goodness what a frenetic frenzied flood of hyperbole we have had to endure from the press and TV commentators since Biden's bad day on the debate stage. Oh dear, all is lost! Sure, he has given us a first term of astounding achievements, the strongest economy in the world, the lowest unemployment rate since the 1950s, a booming stock market, a bipartisan infrastructure plan guaranteeing new, high paying jobs for the next decade, an inflation rate post worldwide pandemic that is lower than that in any other major country, a strong united NATO alliance that is standing firm against Russia's aggression in Ukraine ... But gosh, he didn't perform well in that debate. It's all over now. I guess we'll have to just roll over and face another four felonious years of the chief insurrectionist, Trump.
Give me a break.
And while we are talking about bad performances, let's not forget to consider Trump's bad performance, not only in this self-same debate, but ever since the day he came down the golden escalator, nearly a decade ago. The press seems to have little or nothing to say about that, and I suppose that is because people are used to it now. We are used to the lies, repeated over and over and over. If a talent for projectile vomiting of falsehoods is a debate winner, then Trump certainly does get the prize.
You know, perhaps we should learn something from the Republican party. No matter how bad their candidate has been, no matter how many stupid things he has said, no matter how many women he has sexually molested, no matter how many people he has ripped off, no matter how many felonies he has been found guilty of, the Republican party has stood unashamedly behind him.
But oooooh dear, oh dear, Biden did poorly in one debate. It's a catastrophe! A disaster! Clearly, despite the the overwhelming evidence of his achievements, he should stand down.
My God. Wake the fuck up, folks!
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
I prefer to sit near Indonesians at the coffee cafe. Well, let me tweak that just a bit - - I prefer to sit near no one at all, but given no choice, I will choose Indonesians over English speaking foreigners every time. This has nothing to do with some kind of preferential prejudice for one nationality over another. Rather, it is about sound. It is about frequency. It is about white noise.
Maybe you are familiar with these frequencies that you can look up on YouTube. Probably you are. I am always several years behind everyone else. Anyway, a frequency is a constant tone which when listened to while resting or even while asleep confers amazing properties. You might choose 423 hz, for instance, or 528, or 888. These specific tones, it is said, resonate deep down in the soul of the person with nothing better to do and are effective for healing illness or building self-confidence or even repairing DNA. That last is called the miracle frequency, I believe, which in and of itself is vague enough to cover just about everything.
Combined with the frequency, whatever three digit number it happens to be, you can choose selections wherein natural sounds will mask the tone itself (which, honestly, is rather annoying on its own and not something I could ever bear to listen to). One may choose river sounds, for example, or rain and thunder sounds. The magical tone is there, but hidden beneath the nature sounds so that it doesn't bug you to the point where you turn it off.
I've been listening to 528 hz with river sounds (although I've forgotten what it is supposed to cure. Apparently not memory loss).
Returning now to my choice of cafe companions, I am saying that Indonesians speaking common Indonesian language to one another is like nothing more than a frequency to me. It is white noise. It is just a sort of babble, like a babbling brook one might say. It is non-obtrusive background and does not interrupt my train of thought at all as I read whatever book I happen to be reading.
On the other hand, English immediately intrudes, and divides my attention. Especially English spoken by an American.
Such was the case at the cafe this morning. A young American woman was talking by phone link up on her laptop with a faraway friend. Try as I might to avoid it, I soon find myself pulled into the conversation and away from the page.
Who? the woman is saying. Oh Shirley? Yes I know Shirley. I've known her for years. And then what? She did WHAT? Oh my God! No way!
What? What?, my brain chimes in. What did Shirley do???
But while the woman's words on this end are perfectly clear, I cannot make out what the faraway voice is saying. This is frustrating, because now I will never know what Shirley has done.
What goes around comes around, the woman is saying. I keep my distance from toxic people. Wait, what? Pregnant? At her age?!
OMG, poor Shirley. Poor well-deserving toxic Shirley. But wait... What is meant by at her age? It may be that Shirley is 16, and then again it may be that she is 60. I have no way of knowing. Is Shirley truly toxic, or is she merely elderly? Would asking the woman to fill me and be too creepy?
To make things worse, the young woman now begins speaking in broken, really bad Indonesian. Oh my god, is Shirley Indonesian? And pregnant? At her age?
The trouble now is that although I cannot easily understand Indonesian as it is commonly and fluently spoken by Indonesians, I can understand bad Indonesian very well because I, like this woman, speak bad Indonesian quite fluently. It's like listening to the naked frequency tone without the pleasant babbling of the natural sounds.
And it is ultimately too much for me. This frequency is not a healing frequency. It is a fingernails on chalkboard frequency, and it has proven to be sufficiently toxic to drive me away.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
The Bee Sting
Today, in the developed world, the great threat to political order is that people will pay attention to their surroundings. Thus, even slaves have access to entertainment. You could even say we are paid in entertainment. The novel was the first instance of what in the 21st century has become a vast and proliferating entertainment industry, an almost infinite machine designed to distract us and disempower us. We are presented with a virtual world powered, literally, by the incineration of the real.
Or so says Paul Murray in The Bee Sting--a novelist, oh by the way, and thus culpable by his own word 😉. But he is right, isn't he? Like it or not.
I began my reading of this novel with, I will admit, a prejudice against it, despite the handful of impressive awards it had won. That doesn't always mean much, these awards, I mean. And the title seemed somehow insufficient, fuzzy. Moreover, I gathered from the blurbs on the book jacket that this was a family saga sort of thing, and that is not generally my cup of tea.
But this novel is good. Well okay, it is more than good. It is brilliant. And it is in many ways, both concrete and implicite, about the incineration of the real, the triumph of the inessential, a tragicomedy that will keep you reading obsessively from page one to page 643 (in my paperback edition). I meant to dislike it; instead I loved it. It is quite simply one of the best novels I've read in the last 10 years.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Three Boys and a Monkey
At the traffic light where Jalan Tamblingan meets the Bypass a boy sits on the concrete traffic divider strumming a toy guitar. When the traffic stops, the drivers give him money sometimes. Coins or small bills. His face lights up when he receives the money and he looks each benefactor straight in the eye, convinced perhaps that it is they who have benefitted. And perhaps he is right. The bills he stuffs into his tiny pockets and he uses one thin coin to turn the plastic screw in the neck of the guitar and tighten one of the threadlike strings. The light turns and the cars and motorbikes move on, his toes an inch away from the tires. He returns to his strumming. Who can say what tune plays in his head?
Two other boys I see on the beach, same day, same morning, same island, same town. These boys are fishing side by side, sitting on the rocks of a jetty. I know these boys from more than a half century ago for I am they and they are me, all the same in a different time in a different place in a different world. But the peace is the same. And here we all are, all on the same island, nearly as close as a stone's throw, as distant as unnamed galaxies. A camaraderie of utter strangers.
And then there was a monkey too, and monkeys, when present, must be mentioned. It was an unusually large monkey and it was walking along the top of a wall between the beach path and the wild unused land on the other side. Monkeys are not seen in Sanur anymore. You see them in the higher places, in the jungle. Yet here it was. Tourists stopped, they pointed, delighted, took photos. Here it was, at home out of place, both native and alien.
And so here are we all.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Unbearable. What an unbearable thing is life.
--The Bee Sting, Paul Murray
Well and so it is, at different times and in different ways, in the different phases of life, from the angst of youth, to the pain of child bearing and child rearing, to the sense of loss and the reality of dissipation in old age. The unbearable, in one guise or another, is built into life. There is no way around it. And yet we are surprised, and somehow betrayed--aghast, angry, crestfallen at the seeming cruelty of it all. How can it be, in a good world, that the brother has died before his time, that the child has suffered, that the marriage has failed, that evil has prevailed. That heartbreak has befallen us though we gave it no cause. We conclude that the world is wrong. And so it is, and has always been. We forget that we are only sojourners here, passing through, headed for another place, that proper place we are missing during this brief moment known as life on earth. As through fire, so the scripture says; as through purifying flame.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
On The Long March
My cousin's piece on illness and the end, followed by my reply...
Dear Richard:
The thing is, the degradation is so slow as to be imperceptible. I get up in the morning feeling like crap, but do I feel any the worse for wear than yesterday morning? It’s not incremental like the dates on the calendar, in fact it feels about they same and yet one knows the clock is ticking the sand is dropping into the bottom of the glass and if one could leap forward five or ten years it would be obvious that the shit destruction has deepened its grip. Funny that way too, in that tomorrow is not promised. And so the final monstrosity of feeble assisted care living someone changing the diaper or turning you over in bed may not happen. One could have a stroke and drop dead today. Or mistake the gas pedal for the brake and run over the curb into a grocery store. Self checkout ha ha ha. A morbid sense of humor is a monstrosity that hovers like the grim reaper, or that guy who flips a coin to decide if he’s going to end you to today. Call it, my man, heads or tails. This is no country for old men. I was in a medical waiting room yesterday and the music they were piping in was so inane. It wasn't the tranquil woo woo stuff of past days, it was unrecognizable, pleasantly upbeat garbage that I’d never heard before and hopefully never again but I suppose these sorts of visits are gonna pile up. If I’m lucky and don't just drop. It was such a relief to get back in the car and play some, you know Beatles and stones and jimi and all my heroes of youth half of whom or more have moved on to the next world don’t be late. But hey that’s real music not the swill that spills out onto the airwaves these days. The major agrees wholecuppedly and he knows how to titillate my palate in ways that temporarily improve my countenance and overall performance as well as my outlook on the extant day ahead. And with that dear readers most of whom, if any are also looking down over the yawning precipice of corporal disintegration, I bid you a fond farewell, au revoir or adieu God only knows:
Dear David:
Yep. For me, the decline is perceptible from day to day. The days of thinking 'I'll get on top of this and then be back in business' are gone. On the contrary, they are on top of me. My efforts to blockade the doors with medicine are in vain for now they are coming through the windows instead, bursting through the floorboards. I do not want to be controlled by the ending. I guess no one does. I am both ready and unready. Yes, Grim Reaper, I understand--but not right now! I'm right in the middle of something. But you are correct: the Beatles help. Simon and Garfunkel. Chopin. And here in Indonesia the music is not interrupted by the chirping of Muzak, because they don't have it here. Only the roar of the madding crowd.
Sunday, June 2, 2024
The Feast
I had this recurring dream last night, only this time a new part was added. In the dream, I am walking through the woods with a companion, usually either my girlfriend or my brother. We come upon a wall in the woods which is white and appears to be of solid cement, but at some point we find that a secret section of the wall opens up. This opens into a house. The house has obviously been occupied, or is currently occupied but no one is home. It is decorated rather lavishly with all kinds of interesting things, books and knick knacks and stained glass lamps and so on.
In previous versions of the dream, we just hang out there for a while and then leave. But in the new version last night we find that there is another wall within this house that also opens. This one opens into a grand mansion. The main floor is crowded with people and they are attending a feast at a long wooden table. We spot someone who knows us and we think Oh damn we're going to be busted for trespassing.
Instead, the man at the head of the table stands up, arms out stretched, and says welcome, come, eat and drink!
As we make our way to the table, we are greeted by multiple guests who throw their arms around us and embrace us. But it is more than just a common embrace. It is like being enveloped in pure love.
And this is where the new version of the dream ends, just as we are making our way to the table.
There are small details that I have forgotten, and they are most likely pertinent details. Maybe I will remember them next time.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
The Open Boat
I have had such a pleasant time these last few days with Sasha, who is visiting from his home in Arizona- - telling stories, laughing, and then quietly discussing our lives, both apart and together.
Today, he told me a story about Albert. Also known to his ex-wife, and now my ex-wife too, as fat Albert. Albert is Sasha's father, whom of course I remember very well. Sasha lives with his father and his stepmother back in Phoenix. Albert is the sort of guy who has big ideas and then champions his own ideas with vigor and enthusiasm.
Let's go to Mexico! Albert said. We can fish in the ocean. A guy told me you can catch huge fish just off the beach!
Sasha is a reticent sort of guy, a bit of a homebody, and, from experience, a bit suspicious of these ideas that his father comes up with. But on the other hand, Albert is a persistent sort of guy and will, and did, tirelessly press his point.
So they took the van and went to Mexico. To catch huge fish in the ocean.
Sasha, as he explains, envisioned a boat of some kind, you know made of wood or aluminum or whatever. What they got upon arriving in Mexico was an inflatable rubber raft with a little motor mounted on the back.
Off they went into the sea. Having gotten beyond the breakers, they had begun to prepare their fishing gear when Sasha noticed that the raft was taking on water. Not just a little water. A lot of water. And rather suddenly so.
Why are my shoes wet? Albert said. Oh. Oh man. F*ck
They begin to bail water, first with their hands, then with the tackle box, but it's no use. The raft is sinking. Albert tries to start the motor, and it will not start. They are now sitting in water while the motor gasps it's last oily breaths.
We're gonna to have to swim for it, Boy! Albert says. Quick! Take off your shoes! They will weigh you down!
Where do I put them?
Just drop them, Boy! Throw all non-essentials overboard!
Overboard? But the overboard is already underwater.
And so, shoeless, they swam for it, in the wide blue sea, under the pitiless Mexican sky. The open boat. Or in this case, the sunken boat. Big Albert and his little mate. The skipper and Gilligan. They swam and they swam, the tide going out, and Sasha finally out of breath, arms aching, and the shore seemingly no nearer.
Did I ever tell you about the time I almost drowned?
This is how Sasha had begun the story.
Well, he didn't drown, obviously, and praise God for that. At last, he washed up on the beach, like a disabled dolphin. His father more like a whale nearby. And there they lay on the sand, wheezing and coughing, contemplating this most recent grand idea and adventure.
Sasha was not laughing at the time. Not at all. And yet we were laughing now until our sides hurt and tears fell from our eyes. That's just the way Sasha can tell a story. He's a natural. And it's the way he looks at the various trials and disasters of the past. That too is a gift.
Friday, May 31, 2024
What a sad end to such a sad chapter in American history, right? Right? Or hopefully an end, or at least the indisputable beginning of an inevitable end.
Guilty on 34 counts of 34 crimes.
More deplorable yet than the criminal, in my view anyway, is the parade of Republicans who are insisting that the American justice system is fixed or corrupt. It wouldn't be so, of course, for any other criminal, but in this special case, involving Mr. Trump, it is. The entire system, from prosecutors to judges to juries, is somehow miraculously aligned against poor Mr. Trump.
Who is buying that sort of conspiracy theory tripe? Very few, one would hope. It is time for America to return to a traditional democratic system, the twin, one might say, of an orthodox religious system. We tire, I hope, of foolish heresies.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Exercising for Trumpstipation
Well I've been gone for a while, once again, but I'm back now, after a fashion anyway--this time back from the nightmare of hernia surgery. This may not be so bad for many, or most folks, but see I've never had surgery of any kind before. I did not know that it would be so painful. Lol. Luckily for me, my girlfriend insisted on flying here from Jogya and staying with me in the hospital and then afterwards during the first week of recovery, for which I am so very grateful.
We stayed in what this public hospital refers to as a VIP room, but which in any western country would be considered rather small and shabby. One hospital bed and one narrow cot and a view of ... well, the other hospital buildings. At least the AC was good. Better in fact than mine at home, which is once again broken and blowing just plain old air.
After coming home, Evelyn encouraged me to try to move about as much as possible. Instead of just sitting and watching the Trump news, why don't you watch it while stretching. The idea being that something positive might come of the Trump news after all. So I began to move about and do simple stretches as demonstrated by her.
On top of the hernia problem itself, I had been experiencing, before, during, and after surgery, a problem with chronic constipation, and this became particularly problematic when combined with a hernia and a new surgical wound in the groin. Ouch!
So it happened that I named this activity Exercising for Trumstipation.
I'm feeling better now, the Trumpstipation has at last resolved, and I am able to drive the motorbike and walk a fairly straight line from a parking spot to a cafe. Moreover, my stepson, Sasha, has arrived here from America and is currently staying with me out at Louis and Wayne's villa in Renon (Louis and Wayne are in Europe and will return next week). And my God he is big now, and tall, and buffed, while I have somehow shrunken! Sasha loves to talk and laugh and philsophize and critique, and we are having a great time together.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Chicken Feet
As I was taking my morning walk on the beach front this morning, I came upon a chicken foot lying on the ground. Not the whole chicken, thank goodness. Just the foot. This actually was not surprising, because Indonesians eat chicken feet. They're called ceker. This particular ceker had been discarded for some reason. Perhaps it didn't taste footy enough? I don't know, because I've never eaten a chicken foot. One sees them on the menu in restaurants here, especially in smaller warungs or on the cart of the street seller. Ceker! Yum. I guess.
Speaking of bodily appendages, I will mention that the young people in the Muslim community here will greet an older person, like me, by taking the person's hand in theirs and placing the back of the hand on their forehead, bowing slightly as they do so. I think that's nice, personally. It's nice to be offered respect, to be honored because of your age alone. You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, the Bible tells us.
Sounds good to me. Much better than the western concept of the aged worthless eater.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Surgeon's Knife
Having spent countless hours in the hospital over the last two days, mostly waiting to see the doctor, to get an x-ray, to get an EKG, to consult over each, and then to perform the bureaucratic trigonometry of calculating and agreeing to a payment contract, I am finally ready for the surgeon's knife (although the knife itself, along with the surgeon, won't be ready for me until next Monday.
Oh happy day, right? The elderly and unwell man's notion of success. Assuming the surgery itself is successful, that is.
I am told as well by a good natured, rather cheerful cardiologist, that this all comes with somewhat elevated risk factors, given the aforementioned elderliness and unwellness. Ah well, he who plays it safe never brings home the gold. Or is it the bacon. In any case, the careful man brings home both the body and the hernia, whereas the bold man brings home either one or the other.
Monday, May 13, 2024
The Beginning of the End
So, I have discovered that the price for hernia surgery at Sanglah Hospital is half that at Kasih Ibu. Obviously, I will be getting the surgery at Sanglah. This, however, is old-fashioned open surgery, not the newfangled laparoscopic version, because I can't afford the latter at either hospital. Can't really afford the former either for that matter, but what's a guy gonna do? Hope to die before the next big problem shows up, I guess. So I'm gettin' this thing on the road. Tomorrow I go for a second appointment with Dr. Mulyawan at Sanglah, at which time I would guess the surgery date will be set. I do know, however, that I must stop clopidogrel at least five days before surgery, and tomorrow will be only day one. It appears that I will be compelled to stay in the hospital at least one day after the surgery (I would rather just go home and do my groaning in private). Evelyn hopes to come here and accompany me at that time. She's an angel.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
In the brief space of time between my arrival this morning at Lillian and Coffee, ordering the usual, and settling into my chair on the front patio, my iPad had become by some uncanny magic sentient, adopting the character of a nervous cat, such that when I went to pick it up and continue my reading of Me Talk Pretty One Day (a marvelously hilarious collection of sketches by David Sedaris), the newly animated thing leapt out of my hands, briefly assaulted my chin, and then flew across the patio, landing some four feet away with a resounding smack on the cement. As a result, the creature is now broken, dead, having apparently expended its ninth and final life, and my life of reading is broken as well, or at least seriously injured. The good news though is that my stepson, Sasha, will bring me a new Kindle reader when he comes here in June. What a guy, right? My hero! Thank you thank you thank you, as President Biden would say. Apparently, I have done something right, something worthy in life after all.
Price Wars
Yes I do have a hernia in need of surgery is what I found out last week at Kasih Ibu Hospital. Not good in and of itself, but even worse is the fee they quoted for the surgery and a one night hospitalization. It strikes me as way too high, and friends tell me as well that it is way too high. Therefore, I made an appointment with another hospital, Sanglah, and I will see the surgeon there on Monday morning. Of course I have to go through the same exam all over again and then get Sanglah's quote for surgery. It is a tedious, frustrating process, and a painful one for the pocketbook in particular.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
I didn't have to wait long for my next big health problem to arise. It looks like it's going to be my hernia this time, which will likely need surgery. I've made an appointment for tomorrow evening to see a surgeon about that. I've actually had the hernia for a year or more, but in the last couple months it has become significantly larger as well as slightly painful and more difficult to reduce then beforehand. I purchased a hernia belt online, and it works well enough to hold the hernia in during the day, but of course as soon as I remove the belt, the hernia reemerges from within my abdominal cavity. So it is uncomfortable one way as well as the other. What consumes my mind now, believe it or not, his finding the best price for hernia repair. Ridiculous, right? But medical costs can vary widely here in Indonesia someone has to shop around. I am worried as well about the question of total anesthesia in the presence of multiple sclerosis and recent stroke. I remember reading once that total anesthesia is not recommended for people who have MS because we might not wake up afterwards 😜 Anyway, more on this as events unfold.
Monday, April 29, 2024
I think that when Biden won the 2020 election and the MAGA garbage was swept out of the capital many of us thought the Trump nightmare was over. But it's not. It's like a virus that is resistant to antibiotics. And now here we are again coming up to another election, another season of hatred and vitriol heightened by the fact that one of the candidates is a four times indicted criminal facing more than 80 felony charges, found liable for rape, and guilty in civil court of fraud. Is this not nearly impossible to believe? My goodness, what a sad moral failure we have witnessed in our nation.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Table for Two
The Forbidden City ..., thought Eve. Now, that sounds like a place worth going.
--Eve in Hollywood, Amor Towles
I've just finished reading Table for Two, Amor Towles' collection of short stories. The two words that come to mind are relentlessly entertaining. It is the sort of book that you feel sad upon finishing, because you must leave the worlds he has created and move on to other worlds that are not likely to be nearly as satisfying. But all of Towles work is like that - - these stories, the novella that comprises the second half of the book, as well as his novels, The Lincoln Highway, A Gentleman in Moscow, and Rules of Civility. Towels' voice is just so welcoming, so pleasant, so companionable, reminiscent in this way of Dickens or Twain or Melville. And as an extra treat, for those who have already read Rules of Civility, Towles brings back clever and strong-willed Evelyn Ross for a delightful romp in a novella exceeding 200 pages. I'm going to miss this author's wit and sophistication until he comes around again.
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Eid Prefer Not
At the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, we have Eid, which is the end of the fast and a time for everyone to get the hell out of Dodge, wherever Dodge happens to be for each individual. Half of these individuals appear to have come to Bali, as the beaches and the streets are jam-packed with people on foot, in cars, and of course on motorbikes. Seemingly millions of motorbikes. My usual 7 minute trip home after evening coffee in Sanur took more like 20 minutes this evening. And it was not a leisurely 20 minutes, or a pleasant 20 minutes, or a relaxing 20 minutes. It was 20 minutes of hell on wheels! To make matters worse, there was some kind of ceremony or celebration at the banjar near my house which complicated the situation considerably. But I am home now and have given six waiting dogs their evening treats and then disrobed and disengaged my silly hernia belt, which came in the mail just today. I don't know that the damn thing does much, other than press on the hernia, but it will need further experimentation in the form of a walk to see if it is comfortable enough or whether it ought better to be stored in a drawer along with other useless items I have purchased in the past. No chance of a walk this evening though, as it is deadly humid outside and about to rain I believe. Everyone is going somewhere for Eid, all at the same time, and somehow, miraculously, they all seem to end up in the same place at the same time no matter what place that might be. So happy Eid to all, although Eid rather do without it.
Friday, April 5, 2024
A Table for Two
I watched two depressing documentaries in the last week--something called God and Country, which is about the calamity called Christian Nationalism, and the other The Truth Vs Alex Jones. Well, one and a half, I should say, as I could not finish God and Country. It was simply too dreary. Heartbreaking, really. How in the world can these people have gotten so confused? Of course they were led. But how then could they have been stupid enough to follow? It is a shame, pure and simple, and an insult to the true faith. Has the world always been this full of hucksters? Well, I suppose it has, and I suppose people have always been carried away by various brands of brave sounding nonsense.
Of course, the Jones documentary was keenly depressing as well, but I watched it to the end, wanting to see him suffer some punishment that might inflict some fraction of the pain he inflicted on his innocent victims. But this was not to be had. Sure, he suffered a judgment in the form of millions of dollars--but then simply declared bankruptcy and is still on TV broadcasting his idiotic, and often dangerous conspiracy theories. I don't know what I expected. Maybe some sort of particularly gruesome medieval torture? Not sure if even that would have been sufficient though.
On a positive note, I happened to stop into PeriPlus bookstore today and found Table for Two, a collection of short stories by Amor Towles, one of our very best contemporary American writers. Coincidentally, a series is currently running on IMDb based on Towles' novel A Gentleman in Moscow, which is looking, after one episode, very well done indeed.
Sunday, March 31, 2024
For the past week or so I have been blocking stuff that has just suddenly appeared on my Facebook. It's not stuff that I would ever want to be exposed to, and yet it has somehow appeared of its own accord. It is as of some evil entity has looked into everything that I don't like and then bombed my Facebook feed with it. Admiring cult crap about Trump, for instance. Multiple posts about trans kids or sexual identity issues featuring people who are huffing and puffing about how you can't do that, a man is a man and a woman is a woman and blah blah blah. Tedious. And then there are sites championing the Confederacy and the heroes of the Confederacy. Where the hell did that come from? I mean, I've always been interested in the Civil War, but the war is over, okay? Do we really have to point this out? The South will not rise again. And oh by the way, the war really was about slavery. Sorry, that's just a fact. What else? Ah, many posts featuring screaming Palestinians and outrage at the evil nation of Israel. I do sympathize with the Palestinians and with the suffering that is currently taking place, but I don't need the propaganda and the ear shattering chants. It is not a solution. The trouble is, the more I block all of these posts, the more they continue to appear. It's like a virus on my phone. But I am as stubborn and as persistent as these cyber intruders, and my fingers can still do the walking, or rather the blocking, as long as it takes.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
The Rapture Exposed
If i knew the world were going to end tomorrow I would plant a tree.
--Martin Luther
I came upon this quote from Luther the other day as I began to read into Barbara Rossing' s The Rapture Exposed, and although I had known of the quote beforehand, I found that it inspires new rumination. What it says in essence is that hope springs eternal, that ends are always beginnings, that the spirit never dies but always answers by going forward, living anew. God is good, and God is forever and will forever be with us.
In The Rapture Exposed, Rossing carefully and succinctly dissects, dismantles, and refutes the end times fantasies so popular in certain parts of the church for the past half century and more, as typified in books by Hal Lindsay and the widely read Left Behind series of novels and so on. The rapture! The tribulation! Pre-, mid- and post tribulation. Take your pick. Whatever flavor of falsehood suits you, because it is all falsehood, a hodgepodge of cherry picked verses, all out of context and purpose, designed to arrive at a scenario conjured up in the late 19th century. But, as Rossing says, God saves us
...not by snatching us out of the world, but by coming into the world to be with us. This is the central message of Jesus's incarnation and of the Bible.
I noticed a religious debate on Facebook a few days ago concerning the so-called rapture, and in particular a comment from one person who had confidently laid out the whole floor plan of the rapture scenario, having obviously lifted this straight from the pages of one book or another on the subject.
I decided to reply to her comment, and to ask her whether it bothered her at all that the rapture she was talking about had gone completely unnoticed through 18th centuries of Christian theology. How is it that our most distinguished and honored theologians and philosophers had missed this for so many hundreds of years?
"I don't care what they say," the woman answered. "I rely on what the holy spirit tells me."
Well one can hardly argue with that. Or with the holy spirit, I mean. My goodness. How are we to refute what the holy spirit says to this random woman? Eighteen centuries be damned.
So I wished her a good day and went on my way, despite several additional extra-Biblical instructions and lessons that showed up in my feed.
There was a time when I also believed in the rapture, simply because I was a new Christian and this was what I was being told. I attended an Assemblies of God church at that time and heard about the rapture every Sunday, either in sermon or in song.
Ultimately, I was disavowed of this belief by actual knowledge of scripture--what it said, what was meant. I saw where things had been twisted and tortured, misinterpreted, and then all scrambled together in hideous disregard of orthodoxy to build the ramshackle platform of modern end times theology. And it hurt me. Because God himself is misrepresented, from the pulpit to the rooftops, from the TV screen to the big screen and on the printed page. The great majority of churches reject rapture theology as non-biblical, nonetheless these teachings ride on the wings of popular culture and reach both believers and non-believers through the modern electronic media so that Christianity is now seen through this distorted lens. And I for one don't know how this can possibly be undone. It is the central heresy of our time, it is epidemic, and though the antidote, scripture, is readily at hand, people refuse to take it. Sounds eerily familiar, doesn't it?
Nonetheless, I plant a tree, and I do so daily.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Things of Little Importance
Just thought I would stop by briefly to mention a few things that will be a little importance to those not living in Indonesia.
I learn today in reading the Sanur Weekly that a large number of people were caught ignoring Nyepi, the Balinese day of silence when people are expected to stay indoors, make no noise, and use no lights. The majority of violations were committed by Indonesian citizens, although a number of foreigners were also found to be at fault. Most were merely told to go back to their hotels, although some were detained and later question by Indonesian immigration authorities. One Russian woman decided it would be a good idea, for some reason, to wander the streets even though she had already overstayed her visa by more than 60 days. No doubt she will regret her excursion, as she will soon be deported. A family from Jakarta enjoyed a drive in their car on the completely empty roads, saying when caught by the police that they had not realized they were supposed to stay inside. Given that there is no such thing as empty roads in Bali, this excuse is fairly hard to swallow.
In another article, we are told that tourist arrivals in Bali are up by 21% from the same time in 2023. During the first two months of 2024, a total of 3,550,108 domestic and international tourist arrivals were recorded compared to the 2,933,636 arrivals during the same period in 2023. So much for the dire predictions of ruination of the tourist industry that would follow COVID.
Speaking in terms of millions, it is forecast that some 190 million Muslims are expected to travel throughout Indonesia during the upcoming Idul Fitri holiday season at the end of Ramadan. Hopefully most will be headed for domestic destinations other than Bali. Nothing against Muslims, just people in general, for, as Mark Twain said, "The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Feelin' Groovy
I am waiting today, as I did yesterday, for the Wi-Fi guys to come and fix my Wi-Fi. I'm finding that it is really boring to be without a TV. Lol. Or rather, I have a TV but it will not work without the Wi-Fi. So I've been amusing myself somewhat by reading a novel called Tragedi Pedang Keadilan, by Keigo Higashino. That doesn't translate very well to English. Something like The Tragedy of the Sword of Justice. Anyway, it is a rather entertaining murder mystery type thing. Other than that, since I can't go anywhere, which is because the wi-fi people never give you a heads up on when they might come to the house, I am variously sitting around or walking around in circles wondering what I should do. So I decided to dictate a little bit here on the blog. I guess I have mentioned that I use voice type now rather than typing with my fingers because my right hand just doesn't work very well anymore. Voice type is much easier than trying to use my hand, but it does require proof reading and editing as the program gets things wrong often enough or misunderstands my pronunciation. Of course I cannot use the internet on my phone very much because it eats up my pulsa. They call it pulsa here--the phone time you pay for. I would like to post some new pictures on the blog, but naturally one needs the internet for that as well 🙄
Friday, March 15, 2024
And The Next Thing I Knew ...
I was just writing earlier today about the toxic nature of election season as expressed through Facebook comments. Later on in the day I posted a comment on an article about a speech Biden had recently made. I expressed my opinion that Biden speaks with wisdom, compassion, and just plain common sense. And my goodness, as if to prove my point, a torrent of poisonous replies arrived over the next couple hours. Most had nothing to do with the article at hand but were of a personal, insulting nature. You make me sick, for instance. You are a complete idiot and a liar. How is your mail order bride doing? You are a pedo. And so on. These are voters, folks; and not just voters, but Trump voters. That ought to tell us all something. They are of a type. I have seen it again and again. Like Trump himself, they revel in personal attacks and in childish name calling punctuated by poor spelling. It is certainly discouraging. It is, as Hillary once said, deplorable.
Here And Gone
Another Nyepi day has come and gone. Evelyn was here, as I have mentioned, and we were able to see a few of the Ogoh-Ogoh in Sanur. I had read that there would be no parade this year, but it turned out that there was just no Ogoh-Ogoh competition where prizes are awarded from entries all over the area. There was a parade here in the evening which we could have gone to, except that it was pouring down rain. So we were able to hear the parade, which is on the main street just close to my house, but could not go see it.
We are now entering the season of online hate, by which I mean election season. The usual comments stream in following any statement I make, and have of course nothing to do with the post at hand but much to do with the by now very familiar accusation that I am old and that my girlfriend is Asian and surely a mail order wife and that I am a pedophile. These are so common that it begins to seem that there is a Trumper playbook from which they are extracted. Because they are always the same. How is one to reply to such things? I may point out that what they have said has nothing to do with the post we are discussing, but that elicits nothing other then more of the same fixation with colored women, old age, and pedophilia. I guess it is best to just not comment at all. There is no serious discussion, there is no meaningful debate. That said, my 50-year-old girlfriend is always flattered at the thought that she could be young enough to be the target of a pedophile 🤣
After having my recent problems with eye infection, and going through multiple vision exams, I was told that I would need new glasses. After the problem cleared up, it seemed to me that I was seeing pretty darn well. Nonetheless, I dutifully went out yesterday to the optical store to have yet another exam and order new glasses. My usual optician, which is called Retro, was closed. I don't know if it is permanently closed or if they are just on vacation. In any case, since I had already taken the trouble to go to the mall, I decided to drop in to another optician called Optic Seis. I vaguely remembered having some kind of problem with this store, but I couldn't remember what that problem was. So anyway, I went into the store, had my vision checked, and went through the process of ordering the glasses. In this process, one is continually directed to the most expensive option for new lenses. One keeps saying that one just wants the basic lenses, but one is aggressively encouraged to buy the most expensive ones, twice as expensive as the basic ones. Ah ha. Now I remember what the problem was. Anyway, the man took down the order and was ready to receive my payment when I suddenly remembered to ask a rather essential question.
"How much different has my vision become? How different is this new prescription from the old one? What is the change?"
"There is no change," the man says. "It is the same."
"Well then ... why am I buying new lenses?"
"I don't know."
So the end result is that I did not buy new lenses. My goodness, why would i?
Today it is raining again and my Wi-Fi is not working for some reason, and I cannot watch TV, and so I am writing down these unimportant thoughts just for something to do.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Yes, I'm Still Kickin'
So it appears that my eye troubles have finally come to an end. Yay. And surprisingly I have no new illness to report 😅 I do need to get some new glasses though, as my vision seems to be much different, which is to say worse, after the stroke plus the eye infection plus the eye virus 🙄
It is Galungan now in Bali, which will end in Kuningan 10 days later. This holiday this year has fallen right before the annual Nyepi, silent day, holiday. Happily, Evelyn will be coming to spend Nyepi with me, so it won't be as boring as usual. Actually, she was here for Nyepi Day last year as well, so I am doubly blessed.
I have been meaning to do some writing here, and had been intending to address some of the political bullshit going down in America, but every time I start out to do so, a wave of depression washes over me and I just think What the hell is the use? I guess it is only the good people of America who can now save our good country, seeing as how even the Supreme Court of the land appears to be corrupt and more in the business of propping up Donald Trump than in delivering actual justice in the land. We are contending therefore with a lawless person, a lawless political party, and a lawless Supreme Court. God help us and, as president Biden says, God save the Queen.
And with that, I will keep my peace. For now, anyway.
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Well the family is gone now and the villa feels awfully quiet, especially in the evening. It's just me and Etta the dog.
We had a good time during their stay here. Nothing extravagant. Just hanging out at the Villa or at the beach or at the mall. And I felt fairly well as the days went by. My eye steadily improved. I saw the doctor on Tuesday and she said that there was still a small spot of the virus in my eye. However, it has not been hurting as it did before and my normal vision seems to be returning. I will need to get glasses after the eye is totally well. The stroke or the eye infection or both seem to have changed the vision in my right eye.
So now it is three more days alone here and then back to my little house in Sanur. The maid says that I must sleep in the little bedroom upstairs on Sunday and Monday because she wants to make up the big bedroom for the return of the owners of the villa. I don't quite like sleeping upstairs because there's a ghost up there. But I will need to just maybe sprinkle some holy water and chant some incantations to make the place safe for sleeping 😄
Monday, February 5, 2024
Waiting Game
Finally, a third doctor at Sanglah seems to have cured the infection in my right eye. I hope. After a week of inserting ointment and anti-inflammatory and looking at the world through a fog, the eye appears to be almost normal again. I had hoped to return to her today, but it turns out that the appointment is for tomorrow. So one more day of a blur.
In the meantime, Evelyn, Michelle, Monica and I have been enjoying a sort of lazy time at the villa. The girls do a lot of cooking and I do a lot of eating. The weather has turned fairly foul, with rain beginning in the early afternoon and turning to thunderstorms at night. Happily, we are enjoying the use of Louis' car, which allows us to all get out together, because of course we all cannot travel about on my motorbike 😅
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Today Evelyn and her two daughters will arrive to stay with me for about a week and unfortunately I am profoundly fatigued, I guess from the herpes zoster infection, or maybe from the damn medicine. Moreover, the ointment I have to use five times a day in the eye makes my vision blurry and continually causes the eye to tear. Good grief
Oh well, I will do my best. At least Evelyn can help me apply the stupid ointment, because every time I try to do it, it is as likely to go onto my cheek or my stomach as into my eye 🤣