
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Long Live the Queen

I was able to ask Roy about Himiko, the ancient queen of Japan, and what he knows is that she was an ancient queen of Japan, which is what I already know as well. My knowledge, therefore, of ancient Japanese history, Queen Himiko, and her relation to the mysterious giant blob lurking about near the dawn of time has not progressed in the least.

I note that there is one book available through Amazon on the subject, but the cost of even a used edition is prohibitive where my present means are concerned,. Therefore I will have to stick to interviewing Japanese exchange students for the time being, or other equally nonproductive avenues.

Anyone out there know anything about Himiko? Anyone want to buy me a $50 book?

On the other hand, I guess it doesn't really matter that much. Very little actually does, if you think about it. Most things are no more than diversions, quirks, obsessions, conceits, and general wastes of time.

My wife recently wrote on her Facebook page that Time cannot be bought at the store . . . don't waste it!

This seems perfectly agreeable on the surface. Nonetheless, I find myself inclined to disagree. One can buy cell phone time, for instance. One can buy time on the Internet. One can buy a clock.

Why do I feel that this morsel of wisdom was directed at me? Is it paranoia? Can it be that everything said or done ultimately pertains to me? Am I myself somehow, in the final analysis, the blob at the dawn of time, or at least brother to the blob?

All I know is that I can't help but find curious things curious. And what I suspect, in the meantime, is that such mysteries are often best left to their own realm, for revelation may be less than we had hoped for. Definition has a way of degrading what is defined, whereas mystery possesses a lively magnetism.

It may therefore be better in the long run to worship a murky queen than to unravel her from the garments of obscurity.

For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, 3 if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked.
2 Cor 5:2-3; NKJV

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