
Friday, August 23, 2019

History or Rumor

I received a picture today through Facebook's ostensibly helpful daily reminder of past posts. It was a photo from 2014 showing a much thinner version of me standing with a large group of children, happy as a clam. The thing is, I have no recollection of this. None at all. Who are these children? Why am I with them? What are we doing? 

I have no clue. Other than that the year was 2014. Which apparently means only that my memory does not extend to five years' time. And when I turn this over in my mind, it strikes me that I can remember nothing else from 2014. I was here but not here. In fact, when I think about it, I remember very little of the past ten years of my life. They happened but did not happen. 

How strange. Did they matter at all? Perhaps they mattered at least to someone else? I don't know. I will need to construct some kind of history, albeit a flimsy one, from Facebook reminders. I myself can be responsible for a cogent history up to the year 2004. After that, it's all in a haze.

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