
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Cost of Friendship

I reckon it is best for a writer to know as few people as possible. The more people he knows on a personal basis, the less able he is to write the simple truth for fear of offending one or another of his friends. 

So the point is, I just wrote a rather engaging piece about some pretty serious issues, but I cannot post it here because the narrative will be readily recognized by certain readers as consisting of the stuff of a private conversation. 

You'll just have to take my word for it. It was a fine, meaningful piece of writing. 


Other than that, I finally got my motorbike out for regular servicing today, an appointment long overdue because of my long series of illnesses. The good news is that the bike is running like a top now, even if I myself am not running quite top-like yet. I do feel better though. 

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