
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day

Day 6 with the flu, by my calculations, and still feeling fairly lousy. Spending most of the time sitting around the house coughing and watching condensed Dallas Cowboys games on YouTube (though only those that they won, as the losses would be needlessly depressing). Actually, they had a much better team this year than I had previously realized. We don't get to see real-time games here, unless we pay for a very expensive cable service or whatever. The big deal here is soccer, a game which I do not understand nor have any desire to understand. 

Today is Valentine's Day. In the past, curmudgeonly Muslim groups have sought to prohibit celebrations of the day, but I've not heard a peep out of them this year. They seem to have tired of prohibiting Christmas and Valentines and such-like. I myself don't have any very special memories of Valentine's Day. I remember that in grade school we were required to give a Valentine card to each of our fellow students. I remember also that my mother always gave us underwear on Valentine's Day. How she had come to associate the gift of underwear with the day, I don't know. But there they would be on our chairs at the table when we came down for breakfast. Of course, there was always a heart-shaped box of candy as well. 

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