
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Docter Lagi

Back to the doctor today--the neurologist, anyway. I don't care about the blood pressure and the borderline diabetes, but I did need those anti-weird-internal-heat pills. I don't know what they are, but they work fairly well. Usually two a day. In the morning I begin to feel very hot, so take a pill. Feel okay until afternoon, when the hot feeling returns, so I take another. They are fairly expensive, unfortunately. My problems always have expensive taste. And this, he says, is a chronic condition. What else, right? It is a bit difficult to communicate with this neurologist, for he speaks very softly and very quickly, forgetting that 1) Indonesian is a second language for me and 2) that I can't hear very well. 

I also finally broke down and sent a message to the ENT doc, as the infection persists, though not as bad as before. The thing is, the only thing that helps is Afrin spray, and one is not supposed to use this over a long period of time, as the spray itself becomes a problem. But what else to do? If I don't use it, my head is soon stuffed, I can't breathe through my nose, and facial pressure and headache starts in. Vicious circle. 


Anonymous said...

Your hit counter is not working anymore.

R.W. Boughton said...

Anonymous--Hmmm. On my end it says there were 22 visits today. But I didn't opt to extend the service, so perhaps it is not working properly anymore.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried drinking cincau or aloe vera for the internal heat?

R.W. Boughton said...

Anonymous--RE: Cincau, I have had this in the past, given that it is a popular drink here, but not lately. I'll have to try it again. Thx.