
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Out and In

 Finally got my passport back from imigrasi today, along with my permit to live here for the next year--always a good feeling to be past this yearly cycle of red tape. Not so good, however, is finding that next year I must go outside the country and reenter in order to receive my permit--twice the red tape with the added burden that one must pay to fly in and out of the country. What a ridiculous rule, right? What's the point? 

So now I'll be kind of stressing over this for the year to come, because the fact is that I haven't flown anywhere on my own since 2005. I haven't the first clue how it is done. I mean, folks, I haven't the first clue how to drive anywhere outside of Sanur! Even places I go nearly every day may suddenly look strange to me, the road unfamiliar. In short, my brain doesn't work properly. And now I'm supposed to navigate international airports? Good grief. 

Well, I'll just have to hope that it's damaged enough to forget this for the time being and pick it up again when it becomes necessary.

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