
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The High Crime of Oversleeping

There's a story popping up here and there on my news feed about a young man who accidentally slept through his jury duty appointment and for this was brought before a judge and sentenced to ten days in jail. 

America is a land of law and order they say. This is why the democracy works they say. Yet it seems to me that these same laws seldom apply to the powerful. They only apply to the small folks, the little people, the common citizens, to those who sleep late. At the very top, among the rich, among the politically powerful, among the somebodies, we see these laws transgressed again and again, and blatantly so. Take Donald Trump, for instance. Tax evasion, bribery, corruption, money laundering--hey, no problem. Just throw some money at it. Just hire squads of lawyers, tie it up in court. Just claim special privilege. 

What a crock of shit it all is. 

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