
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Out With the Old, In With the New

Mamdouh is leaving us. I think. Or at least he said so a few days ago, although his things yet remain in his room. A mystery from beginning to end, he has decided that he and one of his friends will move into an apartment together. Despite the fact that his bank account has been overdrawn for the last few weeks now. Go figure.

But we will miss Mamdouh. Actually, we missed him even while he was living with us.

Not to worry, though. Another exchange student from Libya is on his way. It is said that this one knows more of English, and desires interaction and cultural exchange. We shall see.

Avonex once again kicked my ass last night. Strange. I had gotten to a point where it was often hardly noticeable, and now suddenly I'm back to the flu like symptoms again. This being the first of the year, I must see again whether I can get financial aid in order to afford another year of misery. Oddly enough, I'm not real excited about it.

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