
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Morality Versus Practicality

I am always surprised when news commentators speak of "a close election" in 2020 and wonder who, if anyone, can beat Donald Trump. How can this be?  I can understand that some folks were fooled in 2016, or didn't know yet who Trump really is, but who can possibly be so clueless as we approach 2020? 


Well, I heard one commentator suggest that in 2020 people may be facing a moral as opposed to a practical choice. Most people, he theorized, are most interested in the economy, how much money is going into their pockets, how much they will be able to spend, how many shiny new things they will be able to buy. If the economy under Trump remains good, many voters may be willing to overlook personal weaknesses such as hatred and racism and carelessness and narcissism and stupidity and divisiveness in favor of the almighty dollar. 

And if the economy is weak? Well then it might be convenient to consider morality.

Is this really what we've come to? 

I guess we will see in 2020.  


Unknown said...

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Mb said...

Well that was a random comment since the post was about election. As far as election is concerned, I am thinking most people are not focused on it yet.

R.W. Boughton said...

Mb--Yes, it was. Annoying, right? Thank you for offering a pertinent comment. It is early yes, but I would think but a minimal amount of focus would be required of voters who put this mistake in the White House to begin with. Bur we shall see.