
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Suddenly Toothless (Again)

 As I was enjoying a pepperoni pizza last night, three of my front teeth came out in the crust. Oh dear. The long and tragic story of my teeth. Should have had every one of 'em yanked years ago and replaced with false. As I've no doubt mentioned, I have all false (save one) on the bottom now. I think it likely that the same will be the only answer for the top at this point, but will have to wait and see what the dentist says tomorrow. 

Years ago, my uncle Preston decided to just do away with his problematic teeth, although he still had quite a few of them in his mouth. It's just that there were always problems, always another visit to the dentist, and he was dead tired of it. So he went to his dentist, made this request, and the dentist said "Oh, no, we can't do that." My uncle said, "Well, if you can't do it, I'll find someone who can and give him the money instead." At this point, the dentist changed his mind and agreed to the procedure. 

In any case, the sudden departure of my top front teeth kind of spoiled my election victory party (although, to be honest, it wasn't much of a party). On a positive note, however, it begins to dawn on me this morning how many losers we will soon be doing away with: Barr, Pompeo, Mnuchin et al. Hallelujah. A good way to begin the holiday season. 


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