
Saturday, October 12, 2024

Lizard People

I learned today on a podcast from The Bulwark that some 12 million Americans believe that the country is being run by lizard people. Seriously. I wish I could do the math on this, but I have never been a stable genius at math and math gives me a headache. I will just say that 12 million seems like a significant number, especially when we are talking about something so ludicrous as the existence of lizard people. We do not actually see these lizard people, mind you, as they are also shapeshifters and exist in a separate dimension at the same time that they are existing in our dimension. 🤔 Some of these lizard people are not political figures, but entertainment figures, such as Justin Bieber. Okay, that part kind of makes sense. Bieber has always seemed pretty lizardy to me. His music kind of seems like it's from another dimension where people, and lizards, don't understand music. But that could just be a personal musical prejudice of my own rather than proof that Justin Bieber is a lizard. Apparently in due time, as the story goes, these lizard people will not be able to maintain their disguise as the energy waves from the other dimension begin to weaken 🤔 In short, they will be exposed and no doubt featured on all of the most popular political content venues. It may be that Fox has already signed a reptilian other-dimensional contract with these creatures, because of course the truth matters. As for me... Well, I'm not sure I can take anything seriously anymore when 12 million Americans are taking lizard people seriously.