
Monday, October 21, 2024


 I've been having a fairly rough time over the past couple weeks with a loud ringing/buzzing in my head. I provide the word choice because the word ringing (berdering) doesn't make sense to Indonesians, in that it brings to mind the ringing of a phone. Berdengung, which is translated to English as buzzing, strikes them as more suitable. In any case, day by day I have a worsening case of ringing/buzzing in my head which generally ends up giving me a splitting headache as well. I can sleep at night so far, but first thing in the morning the sound returns. Some years ago I had this same irritating problem. I went to a ENT doctor at that time and was told that there was nothing wrong with my ears. It must be a neurologic problem. Duh. So what does one do about that? So far, the only effective treatment, albeit a temporary one, has been to listen to very loud music through my earphones. I prefer either loud Eurhythmics or loud Evanescence. Last night the ringing was accompanied by this sensation of having an electrical storm in my brain. I don't know how else to describe it. I see on the internet that the phenomenon has been called brain zap. In this version of the problem, the consistent ringing is interrupted by sudden pulsations of sound. Very unpleasant. I read as well today that barometric pressure changes can bring on or worsen tinnitus, and we have certainly had extreme heat here recently accompanied by sudden clouds in the evening and night time. So is it neurologic or barometric or sinuses ... Who knows? Pregabalin is also supposed to help this problem, assuming that it is a neurologic problem, but I already take 150 mg of pregabalin in the morning and now have added 75 mg in the evening, and it ain't working. My girlfriend send a YouTube video about tinnitus this morning which instructs that one should place a tablespoon on the back of his head and then tap on the tablespoon with a second tablespoon in a rhythmic manner--and sure, I can try that at home, but I doubt whether it would be considered quite kosher in a restaurant or cafe, and I wouldn't want to have to carry along my own silverware wherever I go. So yeah, if anyone has any additional ideas about tinnitus, give me a ring or buzz me with a message.

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