
Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Oath

 I woke this morning to a reply to a comment I had made on a man's Facebook post. In the original post he wrote that no one had shown that the 2020 election was not stolen from Trump. I helpfully replied that 60 courts, overseen by judges from both parties, had rejected the Trump administration's claims of election fraud, and I attached a couple of factual informative links for him to peruse. To this the man immediately responded that this was a lie. There were not 60 courts. There were not any courts. This had merely been repeated so often that people took it to be true 😅

So that is typical of the tenor of political discourse nowadays. Believe what you like, reject what you don't like. Simple as that. It is not an isolated sort of response. It is common. 

And it appears to me, folks, that it does not matter which candidate the Democratic party runs, for if he or she wins the election, the MAGA response will be simply to say that No they didn't. And it will be uglier then than January 6th. People think that we can beat MAGA simply by winning an election. We can't. It will only radicalize them further. It will only be the latest call to insurrection. Because MAGA is not fueled by policy. It is not fueled by patriotism or belief in democracy. It is fueled by plain hatred--of black people, of brown people, of Mexican people, of liberal people, of homosexual people, of trans people, of immigrants (excepting those from Norway). It is not a political response and has nothing to do with government, per se. It is a cultural response, a paranoid and fearful revulsion at the changing character of America. It is an all-consuming, non-negotiable oath to intolerance. "Christian" nationalism? Give me a break. It is heresy most foul.


Anonymous said...

Don’t forget Slovenia! The lawyers will be the soldiers of the maga apocalypse. Mitch lizard boy McConnell will be remembered as the useful idiot who made it all possible. He apparently got roundly booed at the convention, for speaking ill of the Chosen One when he let him off the impeachment hook for 1/6. He and Comey learned the hard way that praise and fealty are all that matter. Meanwhile the Dems burn their own tents in fear and howl at the moon as the media gleefully fans the flames and takes names.

R.W. Boughton said...

Anon: The Democratic insurrection, against themselves.