
Friday, August 17, 2018


My God, what's the world coming to? Cold in Bali? Yes, it is. 21C, and raining. It looked like just a light sprinkle when I started out on the bike for my morning coffee, but by the time I got here, my clothing had soaked the stuff up like a sponge and I was beginning to shiver. Reminds me of the good old days in Oregon. Except that I had a car back then. I have lost track here, really, of the amount of time people spend back home essentially imprisoned in their houses. But here, you get blindsided by the thing, you have not nearly so many entertainments at ready in the house--because generally you don't need them. When the weather is warm and the sun is shining, as is most often the case here in Bali, it kind of sucks you out into the world. So, anyway,  I'm kind of wishing I'd brought my rain smock. As it is, I'm stuck here in the mall either until the rain stops or until I surrender to the idea of getting soaked all over again. 

Postscript: Two hours later, it is still raining, but my barista buddies take pity on me and bring me a free latte. Truly, we rarely see consistent rain like today's in Bali. More generally, it will rain with a passion for 10 minutes or so, and then cease--but this stuff today has been nonstop since 6 o'clock this morning (and it is now nearly 12:30 in the afternoon). 

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