
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Selamat Tahun Baru

As it turns out, New Year's Eve passed without too much annoyance. There was a year here in Bali, about 5 or 6 years ago, I guess, when it seemed that fireworks were being sold up and down every street. The result was 'shock and awe', and it lasted a week or more. Thousands of dogs went hoarse from barking and thousands of cats suffered permanent nervous disorders. There were several fires as well. An American friend of mine actually moved away from Bali to Malaysia after this celebratory conflagration. Since then, the police have done a 'bang up' job of keeping fireworks vendors off the streets, such that our New Years have been more in the character of the usual irritant. 

To my surprise, I was actually awake at midnight. I had been writing something, while enjoying Ritz Crackers and stale cheese, and lost track of the time. I became suddenly aware of my explosive surroundings and realized that the clock had struck midnight. But it was overall a conservative event and played itself out over the next hour, and then people put away their matches and went to bed. Except for the next door neighbors, who decided that this was a good time, until 3 or 4 in the morning, for karaoke. But that was actually kind of pleasant. The young man who lives there played his guitar while another young man and two girls sang traditional songs. A lullaby to kick off 2019. Next thing I knew, it was 7 o'clock in the morning and the big fat brown dog was banging on the front door. 

Selamat tahun baru!

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