
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Good News

I guess if one rummages around long enough one can find something good to say about Donald Trump; and I say this: the good thing about Trump is that he has newly exposed the rot at the core of America. Back in 2016, a million years ago, I thought that Trump was just one deplorable person with deplorable ideas. I would not have believed back then that he could gather more than a handful of votes from his basket of deplorables. Hillary had it right all along. But we have found that Trump's basket is overflowing, it is a cornucopia of rot and poison, it is a net bursting with carp and bottom feeders, a pestilence, teeming with vermin to use his own words in describing people of color and the poor. Now we know. He has helped us to know, like no civil rights crusader could do, like no eloquent orator could do. He has taken the dressing off the wound and its naked appearance is ghastly, unbearable. It is a non-healing wound, it has festered for more than two centuries in this country. He who has eyes to see, let him see; he who has ears to hear, let him hear. At critical times in our history, racism has dragged itself into the full light of day, has become a scourge not only for minorities to endure but for all of us to look upon, unhidden by any shadow of doubt. Maybe this time, given to us by Donald Trump, the scales will fall away from eyes that have been blind, and silence may no longer rule over ears that have been closed. This is a man who has been heralded by some as the Messiah, a prophet, a great leader sent by God  himself. Well, maybe he is a messiah, a false messiah, an anti-Christ sent to tear the veil asunder and expose the terrible truth about ourselves and our society such that we might finally wake once and for all and take up the sword of love which alone can slay evil. 

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