
Monday, February 9, 2009

Faith Healing for the Faithless, Part I

Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.
--Mark 9:24

Yesterday I received my second faith healing. I say received in the sense that I was there. Whether I received in the sense of being miraculously cured, I do not know.

I suppose that one problem with this is the almost automatic inclination to think of such a result as miraculous rather than expected. At least in my mindset, a positive result attained to by nothing other than request seems perfectly doubtful and unlikely. My mind, therefore, becomes my enemy, in that healing is not a matter of the mind, but of faith.

Take a close look at St. Paul's prayer to be delivered from his thorn in his flesh. Three times he pleaded with the Lord that it might depart from him, and yet it did not. The impression imparted in these few words (2 Cor 12:7-10) is that if Paul was surprised at anything, it was at the fact that he had not been healed. Three times he pleaded, Paul says, as if to underline his perplexity at not immediately receiving the affirmative response he had anticipated.

People seem to be standing in line to heal me. I say that this was my second faith healing, but I mean the second in a premeditated, staged sort of way, where pastors, brothers, and sisters had gathered for this very purpose--a corporate effort at slaying the the dragon. Apart from that, however, I have been healed more times than I can count on both hands.

Those who believe are eager to see, feel, touch, witness the manifestation of their belief. eager for theory to become experience. Therefore it is said Lord, I believe; help my unbelief. Faith itself needs sustenance.

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