
Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Road

In the past, I have often had dreams of the sort where I am driving a vehicle which is either careening out of control or will not move at all. Perhaps I am on a curvy highway, going faster and faster, suddenly aware that I must soon lose control altogether and crash and burn. On perhaps I am flying down a hill, going way too fast, brakes not working. Perhaps the road itself becomes absurd, growing way too steep or suddenly as thin as a thread, a tightwire suspended above a bottomless chasm. Or on the other hand, other vehicles may be streaming by whilst the one I am operating is inching along, blocking the progress of others, the victim of some mechanical failure, or perhaps a personal failure to operate the vehicle appropriately. 

Last night, however, I had a dream where I was with one of my sons, I'm not sure which, either in or on a vehicle--either a car or a motorbike--when we found ourselves on a road that was barely a road at all. It was more like a crevasse in a steeply sloping cliff of mud--more like a riverbed than a road. I was surprised, however, to find, despite this landscape fraught with such tragic potent (such a 'slippery slope', one might say), that we were doing just fine. The vehicle was under control, the steering worked, the brakes worked, and my driving expertise was up to the challenge. We seemed to feel at the same time both astounded and secure. 

It was a comforting dream, and I take it as a good sign. I have been preoccupied recently, and praying, about the troubling, uncertain times ahead of me--and for the first time, in this dream, I found that there was no road too treacherous for me after all, no curve that could overcome me, no cliff that could seize me. The landscape was severe, the road steep and hazardous, but I, we, were able, safe.   

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