
Saturday, June 16, 2018


I seem to have developed a "normal" illness over the past few days--namely, a sore tonsil. Normal is what I call anything not associated with MS. Throughout my life, for as long as I can remember, I have had problems with my tonsils, a pain that flares up, persists a while, then goes away, sometimes with the help of antibiotics. This will often seem to be associated with an unstable weather pattern, a changing from warm to cold and back to warm again. My ears, throat, nasal passages, sinuses become irritated by this and then the irritation centers in a tonsil. Of course, normal pain is no more pleasant than abnormal pain, and yet it comes these days with an odd sort of comforting side, to the extent that this, after all, is common, explicable, expected rather than weird, unreasonable and wholly inappropriate. It also has a predictable resolution, whereas where MS problems are headed is anyo

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