
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Last Appointent Addendum

I find through my own research (far be it from the doctor to share pertinent information) that dry eye is common after cataract surgery. In fact, approximately 20 percent of patients undergoing cataract surgery had dry eye disease to begin with. Dry eye is also much more prevalent in older age. In my case, this fits--for I already had some dry eye bouts and … yeah, I am of an older age. 

Dry eye continually stings, especially in the morning or in bright sunlight. The treatment for this is artificial tears (which I was given yesterday). It may be of limited duration, or it may be a chronic condition. It is important to use the artificial tears every two hours, as the condition may mitigate the positive effects of cataract surgery. 

Just an interesting tidbit among the other interesting tidbits that the doctor did not share.


Mb said...

They don't share the information so one has to return and pay extra for those tidbits of important information.

R.W. Boughton said...

Mb--Ah yes, that makes sense.