
Friday, April 17, 2020

Time Flies

How odd. Although I have essentially nothing to do throughout the day, time races by rather than drags and I find myself getting ready for bed even as it seems I just got out of bed. I find also that I have often somehow, despite hours of free time, not gotten around to writing anything here. What have I been doing? I really don't know.

I did go out this morning at the request of Louis to tour and video the building site for the new place, but after doing so (which took all of 1/2 hour), I've been in my room all day. Doing what? Yes, that is the question.

I think I spent a long time chatting with random people online. And I spent a long time watching the American news, otherwise known as the American Horror Story. I have two books that I am reading, but I touched neither today.

A friend of mine, a fellow sojourner among the elderly class, once noted that something seems to happen to time as one gets older. It speeds up, twists on its own time line and strangles hours at a time, which drop away like dust. Quite the contrary from time that seemed to crawl when we were younger and had nothing to do, or had everything of a tedious nature to do, now that same yawning valley of nothing opens its great maw and eats great chunks of time, and you never see them again because you never saw them to begin with.

Something happening here … What it is ain't exactly clear ….

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