
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Brain Fart

Yet another brain fart.

I was at the project site for the new apartment yesterday and chatting a bit with my American neighbor to be. He happened to ask out of the blue whether I had been in 'the Nam', meaning of course the Vietnam War.

"No," I said. "At the time I was of age, the lottery was in effect, I had a high number, and I also had a college deferment."


"How about you?"


"Were you in the war?"

I guess I would describe the man's face at this point as showing a mix of astonishment and disbelief.

"Umm … no. I'm not that old."

Oh. Goodness. Of course he's not. Clearly. How stupid of me. He would have to have been no more than three years old at the time!

Lol. Everyday life with my brain.  

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