
Friday, July 24, 2020

The Bond

Yesterday, I rung up my ex-wife, 66 years a resident of Portland, Oregon, and still a resident, to get her take on what is going on there as far as the demonstrations/riots/whatever is concerned. Not that my ex-wife's description is the be all end all of descriptions in general. What I do know, however, having known her for more than 50 years (some of which I spent married to her) is that she has always been a fiercely independent, plain speaking, no BS sort who just 'tells it as it is', in her view anyway, without being influenced by any particular partisan line or favored cause (other than, as she would see it, the cause of Christ).

"So, what's this all about?" I asked. "What's going on in Portland."

"Not much, really," was her reply. "Peaceful demonstrations during the day, rowdy kids at night."

"So, the city is not like collapsing, or all on fire?"

At this, she laughed. "No, the demonstrations are confined to a couple blocks in downtown by the courthouse. Otherwise, you wouldn't know anything was happening. In fact, it was all winding down before these army troops, or whatever they are, showed up."

Well, you know, I kinda figured as much.

But curiously, once we had started talking, the subject about which I had phoned quickly dissolved into inconsequentiality. What was important was her, her voice, my continual love for her, and hers for me. After all these years. We spent five minutes speaking of the demonstrations, fifty-five about our time together, our memories going as far back as age 12, our children, our shared experiences and ultimately our great shared error. We came from two different worlds. We are as different as night and day. And I love her completely, still. We missed most of the life we were supposed to have lived. That's how we feel now. It's not an unbearable thought, not any more. It is as it is, and it is, all of it, already done.

… and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Whatever they bind on earth or loose on earth shall remain so in heaven.
--Matt 18:18

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