
Friday, January 17, 2020

Ford v Ferrari

About Ford v Ferrari, the final Oscar nominee on my watch list, I have little to say. Frankly, I don't even know why this would be among the Best Picture nominees. I suppose for one who is fascinated with race cars, or even with cars in general, it would be interesting, but for most viewers, I have to suppose that this film is pretty tedious, about as thrilling as a sleeping pill. It's not that sports movies cannot be appealing beyond a particular affection for the sport. For instance, I have never had any interest in horse racing, and yet the movie Sea Biscuit was enthralling. But Ford v Ferrari does not make that transition beyond cars and car racing. Nor does there seem to be anything particularly striking about the cinematography, story, acting, or directing. In short, it does not stand out as a motion picture. For me, anyway. 


Anonymous said...

I wonder how it is you can watch all of these first run movies I assume from the comfort of your computer. Would require theater time and significant expenditures here.

R.W. Boughton said...

Anonymous—I’m not sure. Lol. Last time I was in America, we were still renting movies at Blockbuster. My son, who lives in America, tells me that you do have the free sites, but that they are full of annoying advertisements. Not so here. Movie theaters here in Bali are much smaller than those in America, and moreover, while American movies are popular, so are Indonesian and other Asian movies, so if you are wanting to see a particular American movie, you have a long wait.