
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Bule Ka We

A good friend of mine, a Balinese woman who currently lives and works in Borneo, told me yesterday that I am bule ka we, which in the lingo means 'a fake bule'. 

To tell the truth, I find this oddly flattering. 

What is a real, or typical bule in the Indonesian mind? Well, a bule is a foreigner, specifically a white westerner. Generally speaking, he has a lot of money, lives in an elite villa, doesn't speak the local language, and is basically clueless about navigating the society. He is strange and therefore often referred to as bule gila (crazy). He frequents western restaurants and clubs and will pay absurd prices for whatever he wants or needs, because he doesn't know that the price is absurd (or doesn't care). If he is a single male, he will eventually end up with a very pretty local girl who will empty his bank account (or make an heroic effort to do so). The bule hires assistance for every common task in life because he doesn't know what the hell he's doing. He is arrogant and is dismissive of locals in general because it is his belief that they don't know what the hell they are doing. The bule is, for want of a better word, stupid. Nonetheless, he is automatically attractive to local women because he is tall, has light skin, has money, and is able to make what native women consider to be the most handsome babies in the world. He is able, as well, to confer status

On the other hand, I am poor (by bule standards). I live in a small room in an apartment complex. I find villas oppressive and somehow insulting. I speak the language. I understand and perform all the common tasks of life without assistance. I avoid bule restaurants and I despise elite clubs and communities. I don't drink Bintang beer or any other alcohol. I have a motorbike, not a car. I have lived here nine years. 

I am bule ka we. And I'm fine with that. 

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