
Monday, February 17, 2020

Deja Vu

Just about one year ago, right about mid-February, I developed a sore throat which led eventually to six months of illness, one thing and another. 

Now, as if in observance of an anniversary, I have again developed a sore throat. I sure hope this is not the start of another long term relationship with illness. I went out and bought antibiotics on my own, but these seem to have been ineffective. There is exudate in my throat, which of course indicates the presence of infection. 

Blah. I was getting used to feeling more or less healthy. Now I'm fearing another endless round of doctors and misdiagnoses and ineffective or inappropriate medications.

Unlike last year, this problem would seem to be of a more common nature and not a weird stomach problem causing sore throat and so on, as happened last year. Of course, the stomach problem still persists, but is generally under control with medicine and a bland diet. Given the exudate, however, and the fever, I would say that this is a throat/respiratory infection.

Hate to have to go to the doctor, because doctors here are more or less a lost cause. Nonetheless, one feels one has to when ones own attempts at self-treatment are not working. 

But maybe I'll be okay. I'm feeling lucky lately. 

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