I swear, my vision is getting worse at an alarming rate--and I bought new glasses less than a year ago! The letters just don't want to come together, whether I put the page right up to my nose or try it from farther away. Sometimes it seems better with my glasses and sometimes without, sometimes better in bright light, sometimes better in dim. These eyes of mine are temperamental, to be sure. Yesterday, I stopped in at the optics shop in Denpasar to experiment with some reading glasses, but all the magnification did was to make the letters more largely obscure. Some few years ago, I went to an optometrist, who said that there were cataracts in the eyes; however, I then went to a cataract specialist who said that there were most definitely not cataracts. Where there both are and are not cataracts, what we're probably looking at, once again, is another instance of MS. Something tells me that I would need to buy a pair of glasses each day of the week, week in and week out, in order to suit the mood of my eyes on any given day; or I could just say Oh, well, screw it, and make do. The latter seems to be becoming the fallback position for any number of the weird ailments by which I am afflicted. I guess the key words are Live with it. Having spent most of my life reading and writing, the thought of becoming unable in these areas is discouraging indeed. But I guess I'll live with it. I suppose I could switch to audio books (although I really do not find listening to literature to be the same thing at all as reading it). And who knows, it might be interesting to learn braille.
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