
Sunday, May 13, 2018


It seems that there are a number of medications that 'sort of' work for neuropathic pain, although 'sort of' leaves much to be desired. The latest one I have tried is Baclofen, which, as I say, sort of works, in that it seems to take the edge off the pain or masks it to some extent. 

I had also been using Gabapentin in concert with Prozac, which sort of seems to do the same sort of thing. At night, I often take Xanax, which puts a person to sleep--and sleep is a pretty good way of dealing with pain. 

Curiously, however, it also seems that the system 'gets used to' these pharmaceutical measures and finds, over time, ways around their effectiveness. Amazing what the central nervous system can accomplish when it really sets its mind to it. 

Unfortunately, neuropathic pain often responds poorly to standard pain medications, so one is left to experiment with SSRIs or anticonvulsants or muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatories, or what have you. Which is both frustrating and expensive. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use to take 1 baclofen at night now take 2 much better sleep.