
Monday, March 25, 2019

Cowboy Country

You know,  I just realized last night, instead of sleeping, that the long illness I've been having may be partly due to a general inability of my respiratory system to handle the weather we've been having during this latter part of the rainy season in Bali. You have every day extreme humidity during the day, and then violent storms of rain, thunder and lightening at nighttime. One can only imagine the barometric chaos in all this. 

I remember that even back in Portland, I very often had trouble with respiratory infections during the springtime--throat, nose, lung problems--and I remember that a doctor once told me that I should move to Nevada for a dryer, more stable climate.

Hmmm. Plan for the future? Cowboy country? Finally learn to rope a wild stallion. (I tried that, actually, for some thirteen years in the past, but the venture eventually ended up in divorce. But, of course, that had nothing to do with the weather, nor Bali, nor Nevada neither :) ) 

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