
Monday, May 20, 2019

How Dry I Am, How Wet I'll be ..

What's the deal.with me and bathroom doors? Once again, another place, another time, mine locked on me, although this time, thankfully, I was on the outside and not on the inside (which nonetheless presents problems of its own.

I had returned to my room from the patio area, headed for the bathroom, and found the door closed and locked. My first thought was "Who on earth can be in my bathroom?" Of course, no one could be in my bathroom, for I live alone. But just to be sure, I knocked before I proceeded to pull and twist and rattle the door. It would not budge and the knob would not turn.

"Ah," I thought after taking a breather, "surely one of my keys will fit the lock (and I was beginning to really need one to do so).

But no, they did not.

Who makes a locking bathroom door with no key?

Well, this time I had my phone anyway (unlike the time I was locked inside the bathroom) and so I was able to call Pak Aan, the caretaker.

Pak Aan rushed over, armed with various tools, but at last was only able to open the door (at my suggestion) by charging it with his shoulder. Just like in the movies.

Whew, what a relief.

"The mechanism is frozen in place," Pak Aan said. "It shouldn't happen again."

Nevertheless, I've placed a towel in the entryway just to be sure!

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