
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

It's Not a Tumor

Woke up this morning with the headache of the century. Thought I was dying  of a brain aneurysm of something, which wouldn't have surprised me, given all the troubles I've had lately. Got up, went outside, and found the sky cloudy and a sprinkle starting up--a major change from yesterday, which was clear and sunny. Went back inside, gave my nose a couple shots of Afrin, took a pseudoephedrine and found that the headache soon retreated. I'll be darned, it wasn't a brain aneurysm after all. It was the weather. 

Even back in Portland, I had a problem with weather change like this during the springtime. Unstable weather. There's just something about my system that can't handle it. 

What to do? Keep that spray handy, I guess, and wait for the season to change. 

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