
Monday, May 13, 2019


The latest wrinkle in my ENT doctor's thus far ineffectual treatment of my incurable throat plague is her insistence that I see a neurologist before she will treat me any further, as she is afraid of causing havoc with my multiple sclerosis. The condition itself is causing sufficient havoc as things already stand--severe numbness and tingling in the right foot and  leg, RLS every night, a burning hot sensation in the head and neck, extreme fatigue--and so I don't really see how more aggressive medication measures could cause that much more trouble than I already have, especially considering that the neurologist I am to see will probably know significantly less about MS than I myself know. But so it goes. More money on the way out of my bank account. But at this point I'll do anything. I'll see a witchdoctor if it will help. I'll stand on my head four hours a day. I'll eat yogurt only for the rest of my life. I'm just so sick of being sick! 

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