
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Scratch One Blog

I've decided to quit my Wordpress blog (mypracticalparadise) for several reasons. One is that I don't want to pay the fee to renew it. It's a hefty fee, in my mind, and, after all, BlogSpot is free. Another is that it has never worked very well. I have often been unable to get into it, or to save things after typing them. Another is that, really, it was intended to be a cooperative blog with my wife--I would do the writing she would take the photos--but now, while I still have the blog, I no longer have a wife. It was also to be largely concerned with travel, but as it turns out, I ain't goin' nowhere. So, I reckon Jim Dandy can carry whatever I have to say, along with the photos as well. 

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