
Saturday, March 14, 2020


There is a technical name for this intense inner heat sensation that I suffer daily, although I've forgotten what it is. As I've mentioned before, there is no fever, though there is the definite sensation that one has a high fever. Some time ago, I bought a thermometer just to prove to myself that I had no fever, and I actually take my temperature twice a day, I guess for the dubious comfort of knowing that I don't actually have a fever (although the knowledge certainly makes me no less hot).

I say all this in preference to an experience I had yesterday. I was feeling, miraculously, not very hot at all for a change--in fact, almost normal. I took my temperature as usual .. and found that I had a low grade fever!

Now what the hell kinda sense does that make? Should I prefer now to have a fever and feel cooler rather than to have no fever and feel hot?

But then again, an actual fever indicates the presence of some sort of illness (coronavirus, for instance), so, yeah … I'll stick with my daily bane of feverish non-fever.

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