
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Ode to Latte

I've consumed a lotta lattes in the last year or so. This is party the fault of my friends at Starbucks, who most often give the second of two lattes free, and partly because I'm a pig for lattes and cappuccinos. I suspect, however, that my considerable girth is the result of too many lattes, given that I really don't consume much in the way of actual food. It's the milk! So, I am saying goodbye to my great love, goodbye to lattes, and switching over to black coffee. This gives me not nearly the thrill that comes with the latte, but I must admit that it's for the best. If not, I would need to buy a new wardrobe just to fit my stomach. Another plus, of course, is that black coffee is less than half the price of a latte (although free is free no matter how you figure it--and I'm still getting the second free).

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