
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Fake Fever

I have that inner burning, feverish sensation today, thanks to neurologic dysfunction, and it is worse than usual, although I have taken the prescribed medication, pregabalin. This generally helps somewhat, but not today. I have taken my own temperature at home (certain that I must have a fever), and had it taken again upon entry to the mall and then again upon entry to Starbucks, and in each case the temperature has been perfectly normal. Gahhhh! I hate this particular symptom more than most others. I dunno, perhaps the doctor needs to adjust my medication, as sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Then again, it also makes one rather sleepy, whether the heat is decreased or not, and I don't want to have something that turns me into a total zombie. It's just very annoying--from the chest to the neck to the top of the head, one feels like he is burning up inside. One feels as though his face must be beat-red, although it is not, and one does sometimes begin to sprout beads of sweat from the forehead and hairline, even though he is not actually hot! How annoying. And the weather today and over the past week has been much cooler then usual! Would be very nice to enjoy this, if not for the fake fever.

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